The Battle of Gettysburg: A Close Call

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Instead of waking up to a cheery sun boasting it's shimmering rays in my face, I woke up to my face stuffed into the soft feather pillow. I coughed and sat upward and wiped the excess sweat from my head. The night was a warm one, and I haven't necessarily got used to it yet.

I untied my hair that was still in a messy bun, and I quickly brushed it with my fingers so I could tie it up again. Before tying my hair into my boy bun again, I rose out of bed and started changing into my Union uniform.

As I just finished changing into my pants, the triplets sprung up at the same time.

"Good morning, you three," I chuckled before that I needed Asher for a second. "Hey, Asher?" I asked, hoping that he'd help me out.

"What do you need?" He rubbed his head in exhaustion from yesterday.

I chuckled awkwardly. "Uh, can I borrow one of your spare uniforms so I can look more like a soldier in the infantry?"

Asher rolled his eyes and sighed as he stood up. "Yeah, whatever. There's a smaller uniform in there somewhere, and just take it."

I nodded and dug through Asher's bag, and I quickly found the small top that Asher was referring to.

"Thanks, Ash!" I cheered as I put on the small top.

"Please don't ever call me that again," Asher growled coldly.

I chuckled at Asher's overreaction and glanced outside the tent, expecting to see rows of tents with sleeping soldiers inside, or maybe a small scuffle outside at the most. Instead, I saw Colonel Joshua Chamberlain and Major General John Buford scrambling from tent to tent, trying to wake each soldier .

"Chamberlain's regiment!" The Colonel shouted as he sprinted down a row of tents, his voice cracking. "Report to me this instant!"

I gazed back into the tent where my friends were finishing getting dressed in their uniforms.

"Guys!" I almost shouted at them. "Asher and I need to go, can you guys take down the tent?"

"What?" Asher asked before anyone else could respond.

I rolled my eyes and pointed outside. "Colonel Chamberlain wants us outside. Now."

RIght after my last statement, Asher practically flew out of the tent and ran toward the Colonel's direction.

"I'll get the tent!" I heard Atlas shout before I sprinted after Asher.


Colonel Chamberlain quietly led his brigade through the thick forest on the hill known as Little Round Top, and the army obeyed every subtle hand motion he made. Chamberlain whisked his hand to the left, and the army slowly marched left.

All of a sudden, the troops halted, and I craned my neck so I could get a better view of the Colonel to see the reason why he made his troops slow down to a halt. I managed to see Chamberlain discussing his battle strategy with one of his officers, or so I guessed.

After a few minutes of conversation and a few arguments, Colonel Chamberlain turned around to address his brigade.

"Alright everyone," he boomed. "We are known as the left flank today, we are the on the left farthest end of our army's little arrangement."

He took in a deep breath and then continued. "We're going to have to fight our best today since we'll be done for if the 'Rebs get past or behind us. Stay alert and be willing to sacrifice your life for the will of your fellow soldiers."

The army roared in agreement, and we all raised our hats happily.

"Good!" Chamberlain shouted, a smile on his face. "Now, everyone, form two lines and front line down on one knee!"

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