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"Are you sure that we're in the right place?" Harvey asked tentatively, holding the map out in front of him. He squinted at the map and held it closer towards his face, as his short red hair fell into the whites of his brown eyes. "I think we need to keep going forward from this point."

Harvey stood proudly at 5 foot 8 inches, easily towering over his three best friends. His flawless skin was pale which brought out the deep shade of brown in his eyes. He was athletic and smart, although incredibly shy and softly spoken around people he didn't know. Despite his seventeenth birthday quickly approaching, Harvey could easily pass as being in his twenties: something he wasn't particularly fond of hearing.

Fliss gave an exasperated sigh and snatched the map out of Harvey's hands. She flicked her jet black hair over her shoulders and rolled her dark brown eyes sassily. "We need to go right from here if we want to get to The Wilbridge Cabins before dusk."

Fliss was short and stocky at just 5 foot; she was easily the loudest out of the four and very opinionated. Her perfectly smooth chocolate skin and sleek black hair gained Fliss many admirers, but it was her snarky attitude and rebellious nature that really drew attention. Despite being strong-minded, stubborn and wild at heart, she was fiercely loyal towards her friends: her most admired trait.

"No no," Libby interrupted, waving her arms in the air. "You're holding the map the wrong way around."

Liberty, who was often called 'Libby,' was the smartest out of the four friends: she was sarcastic, witty and extremely energetic. Her ocean eyes were brought out by her fair skin and golden freckles; her bouncy, tightly coiled auburn hair was pulled back with a coloured scrunchie, often coordinated with her outfit. Without the scrunchie, her perm would've encased her sharp features to resemble the Disney Princess Merida, a character she was often compared to by her friends. She was usually found pushing up the glasses that perch on the bridge of her small nose; she found that no pair fit her facial features perfectly.

Libby and Harvey were Irish twins: born eleven months apart, they were both inseparable and were only ever seen with the other.

Jules sighed as her friends broke out into, yet again, another argument. She loved her friends dearly, but it was the bickering that really drove her mad on days like this. They always broke out into arguments, but it was their honesty and truth in every flawless piece of vision that made them gel together like a family.

She ran a hand through her long wavy dark brown hair and immediately folded her arms. Her piercing green eyes on her tanned skin made her stand out more so compared to her three friends, but it was her compassion and loyalty that was admired most by others. Jules was shy, similarly to Harvey, but had the wits of Fliss and the intellect similar to Libby. She may not have been the smartest, the funniest or the strongest out of the four, but she certainly was the most artistic. It was her creativity and artistic eye that made Jules truly unique.

Fliss continued to channel her annoyance towards Libby, who was now chewing on the sleeves of her baby blue cardigan. The summer heat was nearing the hundreds, yet the reason why Libby wasn't melting in her cotton cardigan was something that Jules will never know.

"No, we clearly have to go right," Fliss huffed, pointing at the clearing between the rows of trees surrounding the four.

The four friends had travelled to Wilbridge Forest in the hopes that they could hike. They weren't ones for hiking, but Harvey's 17th birthday was quickly approaching, so the girls decided to treat their athletic best friend on a trip in the woods.

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