Chapter Seven

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I watched Rosa run away in confusion, something wasn't right. I looked at Nevaeh, who had a guilty expression on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her, before walking towards where she stood.

"Where's Rosa going?" I asked her, she looked at me nervously.

"Home." Nevaeh responded.

I glared at her, "Why did she look so scared Nevaeh, and don't you dare think about lying to me." I warned her.

Scratching the back of her head nervously she turned to face Zachary, he only shrugged and gestured for her to speak.

"Her father is coming back from a trip, and she forgot so she went to go greet him." Was all she said, something didn't add up.

"Then why was she frightened?" I asked her curiously.

Nevaeh looked to see if anyone else was within hearing range, when she was satisfied they weren't, she looked at me. Her expression suddenly turning very serious.

"Her father has been abusing her for 2 years, if she's not home on time then he's going to beat her even more than usual." Nevaeh said looking down.

I could feel the rage going through my body, I let out a low growl. My wolf was begging to take control, I forced him to the back of my mind before looking at Nevaeh, I'm positive my eyes darkened.

"Where does she live?" I asked her.

"Not far from here, if we run we can hopefully make it before he gets home." Nevaeh said.

I growled at the thought of him laying his hands on her, how can a sick bastard hit his own child, my mate? Nevaeh started running, with Zachary and I hot on her heels.

A few minutes later we reached a nice neighbourhood, Nevaeh stopped running when we reached a white two story house. The front grass was cut perfectly and you wouldn't imagine there would be any abuse going on under that roof.

I could hear yelling coming from the house, thanks to my heightened hearing. I ran in and followed the sound without a second thought. The sight in front of me angered my wolf and I, causing my wolf to take full control. I let out the loudest growl, and the man I'm assuming is her father let her go.

He turned around and looked at me, fear immediately taking over. Zachary held onto me refraining me from attacking him there and then. I heard Rosa coughing and turned to look at her, she spat out blood onto the tile and I lost it.

I pushed Zachary away and pounced on her father, I was blinded by rage. I repeatedly punched him, I felt his nose break but continued beating the shit out of him. Zachary attempted to pull me off but I just pushed him away, her father needed to pay for what he did.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I instantly knew it was Rosa, I froze for a second and heard her plead for me to stop.

"Stop Salv," she whispered.

I stopped and turned to look at her, she looked so broken. I couldn't help but feel angry at myself, I should've gotten here sooner. Maybe then she wouldn't look so hurt. I saw her start to sway and immediately held onto her, she then fell limp in my arms.

I picked her up bridal style, and looked at Nevaeh. I couldn't help but feel angry at her as well, her best friend- my mate- was being physically abused for two years and she did nothing about it.

Shit friend, if you ask me.

"Take me to the pack clinic." I ordered.

Nevaeh nodded and walked out the door, I followed her to a small clinic. My wolf was still in control, she opened the door and walked in holding the door open for me. The nurse looked up from the computer and her eyes immediately widened.

"Alpha Salvator," she bowed her head in respect.

"My mate is hurt; she needs to see the doctor now." I growled, the nurse just only noticed Rosa, and she ushered us into a private room.

"Lay her on the bed, the doctor will be here shortly to examine her." The nurse said.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman walked in, she had on a white long lab coat. The pack doctor.

"Hello Alpha, I'm Dr. Fields. Can you please tell me what happened?" she asked. I gave her a brief explanation and she nodded her head.

The doctor continued doing her checks, and she opened Rosa's eyelids and shone a light. The doctor was about to lift her dress when I growled, my wolf not happy with the situation.

"With all due respect Alpha, I need to look at her injuries to see how serious it is," the doctor explained, I nodded and forced my wolf to retreat. Zachary and Nevaeh walked out the room to give Rosa the privacy she needs.

The doctor examined her ribs and said that Rosa would need a scan to determine any fractures, she then proceeded to getting the scan ready. The nurse came in with a gown and tried to change Rosa, she lifted her arm causing Rosa to let out a groan.

I let out a low growl and took the gown from her, "I'll do it."

I kept my eyes trained on her face, respecting her privacy. I wasn't going to take advantage of her when she was in such a vulnerable position. Once she was changed into her gown, the doctor came in and said that the scanning room was ready.

Two other males walked in with her and proceeded to push Rosa's bed out the room, I held onto the side of the bed refusing for her to leave my sight.


We were currently seated around Rosa's bed awaiting the news regarding the scan. Not long after the doctor came in, I stood up and prepared myself.

"Good news is that she hasn't got any internal bleeding. She has three fractured rib bones but that should heal shortly seeing as though she has Lycan blood. However, my only concern is that she should be healing a lot faster than she is now," the doctor explained.

Nevaeh let out a small cough, causing us all to look at her. "Rosa mentioned to me yesterday, that her father has been giving her some tea to drink for about six months, and that since she started drinking those teas, she's been feeling weak and hasn't shifted."

I could feel the rage bubbling inside me again, "So he has been drugging his own daughter? that prick." I could hear Zachary let out a low growl, already protective of his future Luna.

"Normally drugs take about 48-72 hours to completely leave the system, the best thing for Rosa, is to keep her here overnight. This way we can give her plenty of fluids and she can flush out the drugs from her system quicker." The doctor told us.

Dr. Fields then focused her attention on me, "I know that she's your mate, so you're the only person that can stay with her tonight." She then turned to face Zachary and Nevaeh, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you both to leave."

They both nodded in understanding and told me they would be here tomorrow morning. The doctor then left after informing me that they will need to give her medication intravenously, which I agreed to.

I took a seat next to Rosa's bed and gave her kiss on the forehead. I then held her hand and waited.

Wake up for me, mi amor.

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