2. Fear of Loss

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It has been a couple of weeks since you last saw Bum. You were always alone and looking at nothing. You were trapped within your own mind. You wanted to scream, but nothing came out. You wanted these thoughts to go away. They were eating you like a five star meal. You could only sing and listen to nothing but the humming of your voice. You were falling apart without Bum around. He was your safe anchor, but he was gone like he never was here on this earth. It was like he was a ghost only there to mess with your head.
        Everyone of your friends were worried about you. You hadn't talked for about eight days. The festival was tomorrow and you were to sing, but you couldn't find the heart to sing. You wanted to sing many happy songs, but now they seem like a darkness that was eating away at your heart. You were weak and you only put on a strong face for your friends. They couldn't know that you were falling apart and breaking down. You were supposed to be the strong character for your friends. They just didn't know the pain that you had gone through. They had no clue as to why your best friend was Yoon Bum.
Bum was supposed to watch you perform for the people. And you couldn't sing a depressing song for them. Jieun wanted you to sing, since she's heard you sing in such a beautiful manor. She would describe your voice as sweet and smooth like honey. You just smiled at that, but only for a moment before realizing that the one person that you wanted there the most wouldn't be there.
        For now, you would sleep till tomorrow. You could only hope that Bum would be there to see you. That was the only thing going for you.

Bum was having some difficulties back with him. He was to walk with crutches and he was having a hard time standing without grabbing onto Sangwoo for dear life. Sangwoo was getting irritated with the fact that the guy would just hold onto him and not stand. Even though, he was the one that broke the poor boy's legs.
They went to bed so that Sangwoo could go to the festival and have Bum support him. It seemed as though Bum had forgotten about you. But no he thought of you every day and every passing minute. He wanted to hear your sweet voice. He wanted to feel the warmth that you have to him when he was down. He remembered that he was to go to the festival to see you sing. He was ready to see your beauty that shined for miles on end. He fell asleep with the thought of you and your graceful ways.

You woke to the feeling of dread. You didn't even want to go to the festival at this point. But you had no choice because Jieun would just drag you there. So you dressed in all black. You knew she wanted you in a dress, but you didn't have the heart to do so. You had put ripped skinny jeans and a shirt that hung off the side of your left shoulder. You put on converse that were up your caves. You looked like you were ready for a rock concert almost. You put on makeup. Not much just eyeliner and mascara. You did the winged eyeliner. It was dark and fit your mood, that hasn't changed for so long. You also really didn't need makeup since you always looked like you put makeup on even though you don't. You walked out of your bedroom and sat in the living room to read a book. You hadn't done your hair yet. You were waiting for Jieun to come over. She wanted to do your hair for some strange reason. But you allowed her to.
An hour later, she had arrived to your house. She looked at your choice in clothing in distaste. But she said nothing as she dragged you into the bathroom. She plugged in the curling iron. Brushing your hair and putting it into sections. She then started to put loose curls into your hair.
        After she was done, it was time to go. You took a quick look in the mirror and saw a stranger. You sighed knowing after the festival you would take off all the makeup. You put some makeup remover wipes into you bag and grabbed your phone. Taking your daily bag with you, you had all that was needed for this night out. Leaving the house and going into your car you left with Jieun. You were neighbors so it made sense to car pool.
Getting to school grounds, you got out of the car and went to the festival. People were laughing and having a good time. You just went to the stage and hung out in the back. Jieun didn't even bother to try and find you. She knew that you'd be somewhere backstage. You were also going last. You could only sigh at all the noise that you hadn't heard for weeks. You just wanted nothing more than to go home.
        Looking down at your lap, you saw that your jeans were just barely covering the cut makers. You sighed as you looked at your phone. You wanted nothing more than to read your book and lucky you. You had put your book in your bag. Putting it out you started to read not caring about the world.
Jieun found you, after about an hour or two. She told you that you were to sing soon. So you put your book back into your bag. You put it in a place that no one would look. Walking to the stage you mentally prepared yourself for all the things that could possibly go wrong. You then thought that you were at home and Bum was with you and the two of you were messing around. Singing karaoke at your home and having a splendid time being crazy for the time being.
You took a deep breath in and walked onto the stage. The lights blinding you. Putting your best smile on, you faced the crowd. The music started. The song was smooth and peaceful. It put your mind at ease. Singing you felt your heart lightening up. You got lost in the notes of the music, but you didn't move to dance or walk around the stage. You stayed in one spot. Unmoved for fear that you would make a fool of yourself.
The light then shut off and fireflies started to fill the room and stage. It was strange as they listened to the words that were sung. They seemed to dance to the song as it played. They were coming through the air vents. They danced and played the part. Opening your eyes you saw the one person that you've been dying to see. You smiled and sang with your whole heart. You were still at the beginning to where it got louder.

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