5. Love and Lust

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You had held Bum as he slept. You looked over him in a protective manor. Sangwoo gave you the creeps. There was something about him that didn't set right in your mind. You pulled Bum closer to your frail body. You hummed sweetly. You wouldn't lose Bum to a man like Sangwoo. Your feelings were making you go in a tizzy. There was just to many; heartbreak, loneliness, hate, love, depression, and many more. But things are better when you're with Yoon Bum. He was the light in your dark world. You hated the fact that you couldn't keep ahold of him. It was like he was slipping through your fingers.You just wanted him to be by your side. But Sangwoo was making things much more complicated for you. And your job of being an agent. You had to find a murderer and kill him. But if it were someone that you knew, how could you possibly kill them?
Looking down at Bum's peaceful face as he slept. You moved a strand of hair out of the way with love and care. How could you possibly confess your feelings for him? You couldn't possibly ruin your friendship with the only person that understood you the most. You would lose hope and end your life. You were to fragile to have such a thing happen to you.
While, you were to deep in thought you didn't notice Bum move closer and unconsciously inhale your scent. He also snuggled closer to you and hugged your waist closer to his body. He missed this. He missed your sweet scent. He missed the way you held him, the way you cared to much about him. He loved you for it. And he realized as he slept that he loved you more than ever. But he had the same fears as you and that Sangwoo would possibly kill you or make him kill you. He wouldn't let that happen, not till he could feel your soft lips on his. He has felt those lips so many times upon his head. That he knew that they were soft and plump. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you. But he feared you would turn away from a guy like him. If only he knew your thoughts and what was on your mind.
Sangwoo started to stir from his sleep. He lifted his head up from the table, he looked at you and watched how you mindlessly twirled Bum's hair as you looked lovingly at his sleeping face. You were in love with Bum, a spineless wimp. But the way that Bum held you in his weak arms showed that he loved you in the same way. Your hums were faint and soft like the petals of a rose that were kissed by the honey bee. He watched with wonder, how you could be so sweet and kind to menacing and malicious. You were so strange. He couldn't figure out how you were so broken. He knew nothing of your past and couldn't figure out your future. He could see so clearly that he was breaking your heart with how Bum loved him more. But still you stud strong and willing to fight for what's right. He could tell by just how you played with his hair.
He had a fantasy of how those hands would tangle in his hair and pull. He would kiss those lips. He would hold your body close to his strong one. He would feel that heart beating loud and clear as your breaths were heavy. Your face would be matted with sweat. He could feel your legs wrapped around his torso as you begged for more. He wanted to hear you scream out his name with that lovely voice of yours. He wanted you to himself. Everything that you had, he wanted. He wanted the way you walked in a seductive manor, so that he would be the only one to see it. He wanted everything that you had to offer. He wanted to feel your skin under his and feel himself inside of you as you begged him for more. He wanted all of you.
You leaned on the cupboard of the kitchen. You stroked Bums hair. You kissed his head. He held fear in his face and it went away after you did that. You closed your eyes and slowly drifting away into the world of dreams and nightmares.

You were walking down the street as you watched cars pass by. You sang songs of love and hope. You didn't see the shadow in the back following you. It grabbed you from behind and pulled you away.
You found yourself in Sangwoo's home. You could hear screaming of pleasure as you entered the room you found Bum under Sangwoo as he pounded into the boy. You saw how Bum moaned and Sangwoo groaned in pleasure. You saw how they kissed. You wanted to scream your heartbreak away. You wanted to run away. You wanted nothing more than to give up hope on everything that you held dear. You fell to your knees with tears streaming down your face. Your voice was caught inside your throat. Your heart dropped to your stomach. You felt nothing, but the warm tears that ran down your angel like face.

Bum was awoken by something wet on his face. He felt warm arms wrapped around his form and his arms wrapped around something beautiful. He looked up when more of that wet stuff fell on his cheek. He saw your beautiful face covered in tears. He panicked and started to shake you awake.
When you woke, he dried your tears with his sleeve. And held you tight. He kept you close, he buried his head in the crock of your neck and you did the same. Sangwoo was just watching with hungry eyes as he thought of ways to have you all do a threesome. He thought it would be away for you all to have fun. He wanted nothing more than to feel you tremble at his very touch. He wanted to feel your warm juices come out and onto him. He wanted you to be the bearer of his children. You were strong enough to. But he had to feed you better to make you healthy enough to do so.
He just wanted to make you his. But he saw that Bum wanted to do the same thing as him. He wouldn't be beat by a scrawny no body like Bum. He would not lose to him. He was stronger and able to do things that Bum can't.
You saw more in your dream that you were having sex with Sangwoo and you were trying to fight him. But then you were with Bum crying and he was holding you. You felt safe for the time being. You didn't want that to come true. You wanted your first time to be special. But it seemed to be ripped away from you. You held onto him. And when you saw Bum and Sangwoo together you broke there too.
You were helplessly in love with Yoon Bum, your best friend. And you were scared of the way he would react to you and all of the things that you would say if you told him.
When you cry, it's like the world cries with you because the rain started to fall and Bum brakes every time you shed a single tear and as the world cried with you. Lightning crashed in the sky and thunder boomed as they broke the silent tears that filled your body. You shook with sadness and he could only held you tighter and wish to take the pain away. He didn't know what had you so scared, but he knew that you would never tell.
He knew that he was helplessly in love with you, his best friend. He could only shushed you and rocked you to sooth your tears. "It's alright, (Name). I'm right here. You're safe."
You started to fall asleep into a dreamless sleep. He held you close as you clutched onto him like a child would to their mother when they are scared of the dark. He could feel your breast again his chest. It made him blush at how soft and squishy they were.
Sangwoo only watched you. He was so struck with awe that he was sure  that you could controlled the weather. For it was sunny just a few minutes ago. You were truly a strange person. He wanted to know more about you. He wanted to know why you had a gun in your purse. He had so many questions to ask. And if you didn't answer he would have to use force to get his way. He was sure there'd be away to get answers out of you. He was positive that if he fucked you or at least tried you would answer. But then again you were a strong person to begin with. He could only question is if you would answer his question or would you stay quiet and let him make do with your body in anyway he wished. He hoped for the second choice of course. But he could only wonder if you and Bum would have sex before he could have you.
Sure he's had sex with a lot of women, but he wanted you. And that was the thing, he never wanted to have sex with anyone so badly. He couldn't even see you with another man. He wanted you and only you. You had all the right things that he was looking for. You were beautiful and had a voice of a goddess. There was so much more to you than meets the eye. You were beautiful and cleaver. Your body curved in all the right places. He could see you and him killing off many people. He wanted you to help him. He would keep Bum so you wouldn't go anywhere. He knew that Bum was your one weakness. You would do anything to insure his safety, even if it meant dying for him. You were to much in love with the bastard to hurt him. And he was to in love with the killer that watched them. Sangwoo was finding a ways to understand you and slowly figuring you out.
        He thought of ways that Bum could watch and possibly join in on the fun. He could see you between the two of them. He could see your blushing face as he and Bum fucked you to the point that you couldn't even think straight or anything, but the pleasure that they gave you. He wanted to feel and see every inch of your body. It was driving him mad. He could see you moaning out his name while you slept because you felt so good.
        You were in more trouble now than ever. You didn't know that because of the clueless feeling and how Sangwoo had Bum wrapped around his finger to bend and break. You didn't know of the immediate danger you put yourself in just by staying with the two.

Author's Note
Sorry I have not updated but I really have been busy and also had a little bit of writers block. Sorry. Also school's starting soon.

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