4. Releced

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        After a couple of weeks within the hospital. You were free to leave. Sangwoo and Bum came to get you. You rode in the back of the car hoping to sleep. For there was no sleep for you in the hospital room. There was to many things that people were doing. There were the screams of people. The people that were to die any minute. The beeping of machines, that would never stop. You would just listen awake for far to long. There were prominent bags under your (eye color) eyes.
        Bum sat with you so that you wouldn't get hurt or fall over. He could see the bags that hung low under your eyes. He wanted you to sleep and get rid of them. He wrapped his frail arm around your shoulders and pulled you to him. You leaned on his right side. He sat in the middle holding you close. You leaned your head on his shoulder and fell asleep. But it was restless. He could feel the shivers that ran down your spine. Holding you closer he hoped to get rid of your nightmare. But what he didn't know was that you were seeing a memory. The death of Oh Sangwoo's parents how he murdered them. You saw the gross father of his and the wonderfully kind hearted mother be killed by their own son.
        You unconsciously moved closer to Bum out of fear. You could feel the could knife run down your spine as it gave you chills and thrills. You only wanted to wake up from your nightmare. For it was only a dream or was it? You had never seen anything quite like that murder. It was well thought through and he was able to get away with it. Like you and how you were able to kill your parents. But you had done something worse than that. 
        You were able to make your parents go mad. You'd move things when they weren't looking, change the channel of the television, cut the power, and much more. You even gave them rope dangling down from the ceiling and make them much more fearsome. Your grandmother only watched and said nothing or she didn't know at all. You pulled pills out and spilled them out on the counters. There were knives layer out everywhere. You filled the tub and let the water run. You were driving them to insanity. You watched as the grew crazy and finally after doing that so many times, they took the noose and hung themselves. They broke their necks. You can still hear the snaps of the necks breaking.
        When you walked into the room you could only laugh at the way they were fooled. You out smarted them. Your grandmother said nothing as she ran in to see you cry those big crocodile tears. They were fake of course. You had become a great actress. They court believed that you cared for your parents, even your grandmother. Who knew of what they were trying to do to you. For you weren't that cute little baby anymore. You were a growing child that they realized that they never wanted. They were just blinded by 'love' that they had for you. You were and evil genius that got away with assisted suicide. They weren't that great at seeing how that you were smart enough to act like a ghost to them. They just hated the fact that you could do things that they couldn't. For you were in higher classes and you skipped a year of school. You were still 17 years of age. For your birthday has not passed yet.
You were 10, when you had done all of that to your parents. No one would have expected a small girl at that age to do something like that. But that was only a one time thing. They had drowned you, thrown you in front of speeding traffic, and let the car drive off into a river. But your had some how survived all of this. You were a miracle that was placed on the earth because you had escaped death so many times. Even know you escaped the clutches of death. You really were something else, that no one has ever seen before. Even with the blood loss you were still moving.
You were resting as the car came to a stop in a drive way. The house was in an abandoned part of the town. You were just resting. You were to tired to even move off Bum, even though, he was shaking you and telling you that you were at the house. But you didn't move. Sangwoo sighed and lifted you up. He brought you into his house. He laid you down in his bed. You slept, while he had Bum make dinner. He watched you sleep and you were peaceful and relaxed. You would sigh or groan in pain. He wondered what you were dreaming about. He could tell that there was something horrible going on. You would struggle under the covers and then peace. You looked as though you were having an interesting dream. There seemed to be a lot of horrible things going on. They were warning you about the man of the name Sangwoo. He was and is a dangerous person to make good company with. But you thought you were just being crazy. Since, your imagination is large and crazy.
You woke later on, only to come face to face with a sleeping Sangwoo. You rose and went to go find a bathroom. You walked toward the front door and found the bathroom. When you got out there was an angry Sangwoo in front of you.
Confused you asked, "Sangwoo? Is something the matter?"
"Don't go off on your own. This is my house. I would like my privacy."
"I was just in the bathroom. I just woke up, not even ten minutes ago," you said frowning your eyebrows. "Plus, I know that people like their privacy. Unlike you, walking in on a girl showering. You're truly sick." You were know frustrated with the man in front of you.
"You know, if Bum didn't beg me to go back to your house you'd be dead," he said with a smirk.
"Well I never asked for either of you to come to my house. Maybe I wanted to die. You don't know that," you said throwing your hands in the air. You were annoyed beyond belief. Sighing you turned to the bathroom and shut the door and locked it. You pulled out your blade that you kept in your undergarments and cut your arms and thought about blowing your brains out. But then you remembered that you need to stay for Bum. Sighing, you put your knife down and thought of getting stuff from your house. You needed more fire arms and bullets. You felt that you may need them soon.
You couldn't find your phone. You sighed and opened the door while putting your knife in your bra. You saw Sangwoo looking at you.
"Do you have my phone?"
"I need to see it. And it is my property."
"Here," he said handing you the phone. Unlocking it, you read in code. Sighing you knew there was something important that you missed.
"Great, I missed a meeting," you mumbled under your breath. You tipped quickly and told them that you were at the hospital. The agency knew of your depression, but they never thought that you would get that bad. You told them that you would call when you were alone. Sighing once again. You looked at the ceiling.
        "What's wrong?" he asked with fake concern.
        "Nothing that involves you," you said coldly. "For your information, I'm only allowing you to be standing is because Bum cares about you. Otherwise, you'd be begging for mercy. I'm not the kind of person to mess with." Your glare was intense almost as if you were piercing though his very being. Your eyes were cold and held many sins. He smirked knowing you were hiding something.
        "Now why are you acting as though you don't like me?"
        "Because I don't like you. I'm only tolerating you for Bum's sack. But you hurt him. I swear on my very soul I'll kill you personally. I won't hold back either. Now tomorrow you will take me to my house and leave me there. I can't stand to see your monstrous face," you spat. "Also you will allow Bum to come to my house whenever he wishes. He has a right to see me. You hear mister 'everyone likes me'."
        "And if I don't comply to your demands," he challenged.
        "You don't want to know." You two just glared at one another. As if one of you looked away the other would pull something.
        "Sangwoo? (Name)? What's going on?" asked a frail and loved voice.
        "Nothing," you said smiling as though everything was fine. Sangwoo had to admit that you were good at fooling people, especially Bum. He liked the look in your eyes. It held a look of 'if you mess with me you'll die soon'. He has to admit to you having guts to stand up to him, a killer. But he saw something that held deep within you could that be sympathy? But he shrugged it off. He liked the way you interacted with Bum. How you made sure he was okay before your own well being. You were strange. There was so much more then meets the eye. You held mystery and drew people in with your gentle ways. But could cut off someone's head in the blink of an eye. You held power that most would want. He was having a hard time figuring out who you really were.
        He was so rapped in thought that he didn't see that Bum was crying for some unknown reason to him. He just saw a weakling and a strong, beautiful girl hugging. Your chin rested on his head as he held you waist. Sangwoo got a feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was enraged by the sight. He wanted you to hold him like that. He wanted no one to touch you. But you wanted nothing more than to take Bum away. You had a feeling that Sangwoo isn't who he says he is. You couldn't keep Bum away from nightmares forever. You would have to let him fight alone at one point. But you wished to keep him safe.
        You started to hum a song to quiet his tears and sooth him to sleep. He was so tired. You could feel Sangwoo's eyes burning into your flesh. You hummed till Bum was asleep and you heard two soft breaths. Looking to Sangwoo. He was asleep at the kitchen table. He was handsome, when he didn't hold a face of complex emotions he looked at peace. But something inside you was telling you to run. To get away from him. You ignored the voice and held Bum, wishing to tell him how you felt. But knew it would ruin your friendship. You'd rather be friends then loss him to what you said. But you should have listened to that voice. Now you would be stuck and hurt by the man you didn't care for. What have you gotten yourself into now?

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