6. Dream Gone Bad

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Sangwoo had taken you to your home; later that day, to pick up some clothing and grab your weapons without him noticing. You had bandages all along your arms and legs. You were weary of this man that had Bum. You were unsure of how that boy could ever fall for you. You were falling apart knowing that he would never choose you in a million years.
Bum had stayed do to his social anxieties. It's understandable. You were pretty much his only friend; since, he was so quiet and awkward around people. You were the happy person, but they, your parents, tried to kill you, so that they didn't have to deal with raising a child. They thought only of a baby and not the fact that the child would grow. You knew that Bum's Uncle raped him and got his sexual desire out on his nephew. That was because his Uncle wanted his mother, but she went with Bum's father, the brother.
Making sure to hide the weaponry within your suitcases and packing your clothing like a military man. You had as much clothing as possible. Being that you had so much that you mostly had a few outfits that you liked to wear. Mostly long sleeves to cover the internal battle scares; to hide the inflictions that were caused from you trusty blade. It was sharp to the touch, sharpen and well kept.
      You knew that keeping a sharp blade was not beneficial to your health. But still you could use it for something like cutting open Sangwoo's throat.
        "You ready?" he called.
        "Almost, just give me a minute," I said putting packets of bullets in my bag.
I rounded up my things and left the house. I don't think I would ever return here again. Call it a gut feeling. I don't thing I'll be going to my job any longer, either. I left with the things that I needed and left the things that I wasn't keen on taking and could be thrown out. I feel that I'm forgetting something. But what? Oh well, I guess it's not important.
I left with my many suitcases and put them in Sangwoo's car. I watched as he closed the trunk from his review mirror. His toned body was seen as his arm lifted. I could see the shape that his body held. The strength that he carried in his large body. He could easily take down a grown man. And me... Well... I'm small and weak. But I think I would be able to use his strength against him. Let's just hope it doesn't come down to that. He started the car and drove off. I watched the passing buildings as we left my neighborhood.
I watched with dull eyes as Sangwoo tried to get me to speak. I just lost myself in my own thoughts. There was nothing that this man could do to me. Even if he wanted. I'm already broken. Lost in this dark world. Blood, sweat, and tears were all that I could think of. I watched the road and the families that passed by. Longing for what they have. To be loved. Not wanting to kill their own child, that has to grown older. I sighed and turned away; looking down at my lap. I held back the tears that wanted to fall from my eyes.
I could feel the eyes of the driver on my petite form. It bugged me. I felt anger rising from the deeps of my soul come spilling out into words, "Pay attention to the road." There was almost a low hissing hidden in my voice. He turned away. I could feel the heat the radiated off his skin. I huffed out a breath in frustration with the man. Idiot.
We finally arrived to the house. I wanted nothing more than to sleep. I grabbed my things dropped them off in the living room. I landed on the couch falling into a deep sleep.

"There you are!" yelled a distant voice. "You can't get away from me. I'm the only person that loves you." I was running from someone. There was fear in my body. It only motivated me to go faster. I could hear my heart hammering in my ears; making any sound impossible to hear.
I could still feel the man's hands touching my skin. Touching me in ways that I never wanted. I could feel his hot breath upon my neck. The pain he left imprinted on by body. I could feel the breaking of my hips as he slammed into me. Pushing deeply into me. He caused me pain. He took what was mine.
I ran. I could feel him catching up. I was so close. I could almost feel the sun. The light that was in the darkness that held me down. I could hear the bustling of people nearby. Not caring if they saw me in a disheveled mess that the man caused me. I was so close. I could almost see the people moving. I ran faster pushing myself to my limit. I could head the string of curses the man gave. As he went faster.
I was so close. But something snagged my hair and yanked me back. My back ran into a strong stomach. I turned looking up in fear as I looked at my capture. But I couldn't sew his face, for the sun blinded me.
"You're coming back with me. Punishment is waiting for you." I was dragged back to the hellhole and thrown into a bedroom. The man handcuffed me and put my hands above my head as he got another man to held them as he did what he pleased with my body. Tears pricked my eyes. I never wanted this.
The other man was small and skin. He didn't have much strength. But he had more than I did at this moment. I wanted to struggle. But the stronger man held my things down and apart with his knees causing pain to surge through my body.
I felt his strong hand run down the sides of my body and up again. He moved his hands over my breasts as he massaged them. I didn't want, but I let out a quiet moan. He latched his mouth to my buds as he nipped them, but he wasn't gentle. He bit them until they bleed. I scream out with a heavy breath at the pain. He lowered his fingers and circled my clit and stuck a finger inside of me. He caused pain and pleasure. He lowered his head to my entrance and kisses it. Sending shivers up my body. Next thing I know he shoved his length into me. I screamed as I heard ripped and grunts of pleasure leaving his lips. He slammed into me. I could feel blood dripping down my legs. I didn't feel good and he cummed in me as I screamed in pain.
I could hear his heavy pants as he spoke to the other. "Your turn. Do what ever you want. I'm going to wash up." The toned on left to the bathroom. With teary eyes I looked at the other as he crawled over to me. He gently touched me and brought my face close to his as he kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back he ran his hands over my body. I moaned as he touched me gently. He seemed afraid to hurt me like I was a glass doll. Slowly, he entered me and moved to get me ready for what he had planned. He picked up pace when I started to moan and move my hips into him more. I felt the knot that I didn't feel before. I arched my back and my body pressed into him. He went faster shaking with pleasure.
        I moaned and pulled him closer to my body. My legs wrapped around his waist. He soon hit my g-spot and I moaned and screamed his name. There was music playing in the bathroom. I pulled him into a kiss and flipped him, so that I was on top. I moved faster. I could hear his heavy breaths and pants. He groaned as I felt him twitch and myself tighten and the knot tighten in my stomach. We both released at the same time. I fell on top of him and he kissed my head.
        Then the bedroom door swung open and the strong man came in. He held a scowl on his face. He picked me up by my hair and threw me down the stairs leading to the basement. He tied me up and left. Only to come back with a knife. He crept closer and cut the sides of my cheeks and then he...

        I woke with a fright. Sitting up. My body was covered in sweat. I was shaking. I wanted nothing more than to be held and consoled. I wanted to feel save. But this house and this new man made that far away from me.

Authors Note:
I know I haven't been updating like I was. This is because I had writers block and I was in a bad place and school mainly. I have others things to worry about. I'm sorry if you like this story. I many stop or continue of I feel like either of the two.
Have a nice day.

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