Jake Paul

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Y/N's P.O.V:
     "I demand a rematch!"
     "Fine I'm just gonna beat your butt again."
      This is what I woke up to. Screaming. What else is new. I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs. I walk over to the kitchen until I see Anthony chasing Jake around the house. Jake then came up to me and used me to defend himself.
     "Ha! Can't get me now can you?"
     I then got out of Jake's grip and turned around.
     "Jake keeps beating me in Mario Kart."
      "It's not my fault I'm ten times better than you are!" and the fighting started between them again.
     "ENOUGH!! I want in." I said. They laughed.
      "You? Want in?" Anthony questioned.
     "Yeah. That's what I said. Did I not?"
     "Fine. If we win your... banned from... uh... sitting on the couch!!" Jake said seriously. I couldn't take him serious at all. I started laughing hysterically.
     "Okay then. That's fine with me." I said, still laughing.

Jake's P.O.V:
     "Your on babe." I whispered. Throughout the races it was pretty competitive but she kept getting first. It was the final race in the mushroom cup. Toad's Factory. I was absolutely terrible at this one. So I had Anthony play for me. I left for a minute to get a water bottle from the fridge. I came back to see Y/N bouncing out of here chair and doing a victory dance. Her victory dances are always cute. Anthony's head was in his hands so as a good friend and teammate, I rushed over to him.
     "Yo Ant what happened bro?"
     "I lost man." He said being funny.
      "Don't worry about it man it's okay."
       "Welp. I'm outta here." Y/N said as she was dancing her way out of the room.
       "Well... your still not able to sit on the couch!" I yelled upstairs. I smiled and went in the office to edit today's vlog for the Jake Paulers.

hey!! how's your day? hope it's going good :)) baii👋

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