Emilio Martinez Pt.3

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Y/N's P.O.V:
     We pulled over to the side of the road. I was shaking. Fearful about what was going to happen next.

Tessa's P.O.V:
     All of us went to the police station a day later. It's been a week now and Emilio hasn't even got in contact with anyone in the house. He's been in his room for what feels like years. I'm concerned about him. I know he misses Y/N very much and we all do but we have to try and find her and we won't stop till we do.

Emilio's P.O.V:
     I was pacing back and forth in the bathroom all day. I couldn't think straight without her. I couldn't do anything without her. I tried so hard to think where she might be. The police are also on the lookout as well but I need her back and that's when it hit me. I left the drone on Jake's truck. I ran as fast as I could downstairs into the office checking if my go pro was still on the car at least and it was. Thank gosh. I could see everything from the top of the car. The Hollywood sign, the palm trees, street signs... WAIT! STREET SIGNS!! THAT WILL HELP US OUT TO GIVE AN IDEA OF WHERE SHE IS!!! The last street sign I saw was Willsbury Avenue.
     "WELL THEN LET'S GO!!" Tristan said and everyone hurried down the stairs and we all went in the Team 10 van. 1 hour passed by, 2 hours, 3 hours, then 4. Still no sign of her until...
     "Willsbury Avenue! She's here!" I said. We all hopped out of the van searching for the truck but no sign of it.
     "EMILIO!" I heard a piercing cry call my name. Something coming forward to me in the distance. Y/N. I ran to her as fast as I could and wrapped my arms around her. I couldn't be more happier right now.
     "From now on I'm following you wherever you go." I said and kissed her forehead. We then all got into the Team 10 van and headed home. She layed her head on my lap and fell asleep. We got home and everyone gave Y/N a warm welcome back. There was only one problem that night. We couldn't find Jake's truck.

Sorry for such a sucky chapter but THAT'S IT FOR THIS IMAGINE!! This imagine was a request by @NicoleHawk7 and I had a lot of fun making it. If you guys ever have imagine requests feel free to message me. Also, I would like to say 17K READS and almost 300 VOTES!! IM SPEECHLESS RN THANK YOU!! See ya in the next imagine💗💗

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