Kade Speiser

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Y/N's P.O.V:
     "I'm going down the block to grab some sushi. Anybody want anything?" I shouted from the bottom of the staircase.
     "I'll have the usual. Thanks girl!" Tessa said.
      "I'll have the same thing as Tessa!" Erika shouted.
     "Anybody else?" I questioned.
     "I'll have whatever your getting babe."
     "Okay Kade. See you guys in a few minutes." I walked out of the front door and made a right down our block. I then crossed the walkway to get to the sushi restaurant. I opened the door ringing the chimes which signaled a customer has either left or came in.
     "Hi Eric! Can I have the usuals please?" I chuckled.
     "Sure thing!" He replied with a smile on his face. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was my ex. Ryan. He cheated on me with some girl he met a club.
     "What do you want Ryan?"
     "You. I want you back Y/N. I love you with all my heart and would never hurt you in any way."
      "Really Ryan? That's really what you wanna say right now? You hurt me okay! Now just go away! I have a boyfriend and he makes me happy not so frickin jerk like you." I was now raising my voice. I grabbed my food off the counter and stormed out the door until Ryan grabbed my arm.
     "Ryan, let the f*** go!! I don't want you at all! Leave me alone!" I got out of his grip and ran as fast as I could back to the Team 10 house. Tears were rolling down my face. I barged through the front door, threw the food onto the counter and ran to the couch crying. I was horrified. Kade was coming down the stairs. He rushed over to me.
     "Babe are you okay? What happened." I couldn't even speak.
     "R-R-Ryan." I choked out.
     "You'll be okay Y/N. Your safe now. Nothing will hurt you I promise." He wrapped his arms around me. I nuzzled my head into his chest. I felt safe and secure. Nothing would hurt me.
     "I love you Kade."
     "I love you too Y/N." He kissed my forehead. Tessa and Erika both came down and comforted me for a bit after I told them what happened. Then we ate the sushi and watched a movie afterwards.

heyyo! so you know how I gave my crush that letter? Well I'm wondering if he even saw it. The next time I see him is Monday and I'm freaking out. I asked him how his math regents was today :))). Anyways, hope you guys are having a good day! Also, TYSM FOR 1.41K READS!!! I honestly can't thank you guys enough. Ly all😭💗💗

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