Chance Sutton Pt.3

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Chance's P.O.V:
     The airport is 15 minutes away from the Team 10 house. Thank gosh. I kept tapping my leg nervously. We finally got to the airport and I jumped out of the car towards the entrance. I could hear Jake and Tessa chanting behind me.
     "You got this Chancey!!"
     "Bring my best frand back please? Thanks!!"
     I looked at all the different sections for each flight. Tessa told me the Y/H/T (your hometown) flight was section 332. 329,330,331, Finally I found section 332. I looked up and down the rows to find her. It was a pretty big section.
     "Chance?" I was cut off guard to see Y/N standing behind me.
     "Y/N!" I hugged her tight. I couldn't let her go. I wanted this moment to last forever but I had to convince her to come back now.
     "Look Y/N I'm really really sorry and I mean it with everything I have. I know what I did was wrong and I'm a complete idiot for doing that to you but I really like you Y/N. I like you a lot and I swear I won't hurt you—" I was then cut off by the megaphone.
     "Attention! All passengers on the flight to Y/H/T in section 332 please board the plane now. Thank you."
     "I'm sorry Chance. I gotta go." She left. Walked right to the boarding station. I lost her. For good.

Y/N's P.O.V:
     I headed to the boarding station and sighed. I turned around and Chance was already gone. No. This isn't right.
     "Excuse me." I went through the people behind me. Searching for Chance. I can't leave him like this. I don't want to leave him. I love him. I ran as fast as I could through the airport I almost tripped and fell on my face. I ran out the entrance.
     "Y/N!! Y/N OVER HERE!!!" It was Jake and Tessa. I hurried over to Jakes truck and Tessa jumped out and hugged me. I dropped my suitcase and hugged her back. I had a couple of years of joy running down my face.
     "I missed you so much." I blurted out.
     "I missed you too Y/N." Jake said with a smile on his face.
     "I wasn't talking to you but thanks Jake. I've missed you too." I chuckled.
     "Where's Chance?" Tessa asked.
     "I guess I got out before him. He's still in the airport somewhere I guess."
     "Yo Y/N sit in the back with your suit case so we can surprise Chance." Jake insisted. I hopped into the back with my suitcase quickly. I saw Chance heading back to the car. It's show time.

Chance's P.O.V:
     It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I was devastated. I open the back door of Jakes truck and saw...
     "Y/N!" My mouth dropped. She stepped out of the truck.
     "I would never leave you Chance. I love you." Our lips connected. It was perfect. She never surprises me.
     "Get it Chancey!" Jake laughed. I broke it off.
     "Shut up Jake. Where's Erika? (Jerika?😂)" Tessa and Y/N screamed, "OOHHHHH!!". Jakes cheeks were bright red now. Y/N and I hopped into the he back of truck and she rested her head on my lap and fell asleep on the way home. I'm so happy to have her back.


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