Anthony Trujillo/Jake Paul?? Pt.3

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Anthony's P.O.V:
     Tessa and I dated before Y/N even came to Team 10. I loved Tessa so much until she told me she couldn't be with me anymore because she liked someone else. Chance. I was frustrated so I started flirting with her again hopefully realizing she wants me back. Then Y/N came to Team 10 and I had an idea. I could make Tessa jealous with her. So I tried to become very close with Y/N and it worked and we started dating. Later on in our relationship I realized I started to have feelings for her but I still had feelings for Tessa too. Now looking back on why I did all of this I was a real dick. I screwed up big time. I truly care for Y/N and realized that Tessa has moved on now and I should to. I was in my room when I walked out to the balcony to see Jake and Y/N kissing. Fuck. I was too late. A tear rolled down my face. I went back inside. I turned to see the Martinez twins.
"Yo why is he crying man?" Emilio said to Ivan.
"I have no idea man." Ivan replied. I walked pass them and downstairs. I went outside and just saw Jake pacing back and forth in the driveway.
     "Bro where is she?" I asked.
     "She ran. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her. Look I'm sorry Anthony I just, I've always liked her and the fact you kept flirting with Tessa was annoying and I needed to protect her and—"
     "Yo Jake its fine. I have to apologize to her. I was thinking about the whole situation and I was a complete dick for using her just to get Tessa's attention. I really care for her and I need to get her back." I said looking down the sidewalk to try and find where she ran.
     "I'll help you bro. I know she ran down to left." Jake said as we both hopped into the Team 10 van to find her. He drove down the block and we found her sitting by a tree.
     "Y/N are you okay?" I said giving her my hand.
     "No Anthony I'm not okay." She said devastated.
     "Look Y/N I'm sorry I used you and—" I was cut off by her voice.
     "What do you mean you used me?" She raised her voice. Jake and I looked at each other.
     "You knew this too Jake? Are kidding me right now?" She pushed him.
     "I was trying to protect you—" he stuttered.
     "No you weren't Jake." She stormed into the van and we drove back to the house. As soon as we arrived she ran into the house and up the stairs. We both screwed up. We couldn't change it.

THAT'S IT. I'm sorry I left you guys on a bad note with this imagine but idk I wanted to spice things up a bit. Please send me imagine requests because I would love to write them for you guys!! Up next I will be writing an imagine request by @NicoleHawk7 so yay!!!

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