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Cinder smiles at Ashe' response. She nodded.

"Together we will change the world." She said. Ashe smiled with another nod. "Ashe, would like you to meet my friends?"

"Yes." She nodded.

"Let's go then." She said. Ashe followed Cinder, and for once in my life, she thought she finally might be able to find a place where shebbelonged. Cinder kept quiet and Ashe didnt mind. She was excited to meet her friends. Cinder opened a door to a warehouse. Two people, a woman with green hair and a guy with silver hair turn to face them.

"Cinder!" The green haired woman said happily. She haf red eyes.

"Hello Emerald. This is Ashe." Ashe waveed to Emerald. "Ashe these are my friends, Emerald and Mercury." Mercury walked over and nodded to her.

"Hey." Mercury said.

"Hi ." Emerald said.

"Hello."  She said with a shy smile and a small wave.

"Ashe will be joining us." Cinder explained.

"Really?" Emerald asked.

"Yes." Cinder replied.

"So if I may ask, what are your guys's stories?" She spoke up.

"I never had a home and I grew up on the streets having to steal to survive. Cinder gave me a home." Emerald replied. "And a purpose."

"I didn't have the best  father." Mercury said. "What about you? Whats your story?"

"Well, my whole life, my mother hated me for what I looked like and never let me be myself. All because I have this." She moved her bangs out of the way to show them her silver eye.

"Well your mother sounds like a real bitch." Mercury commented.

"I think its cool that you have two different colored eyes." Emerald remarked. Ashe looked down nervously.

"Thank you." She said. Cinder put her hand on my shoulder.

"Welcome to our revolution."

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down ~RWBY Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now