Is This A Goodbye?

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Thank you for the votes and comments! Here is the new chapter.

PS: The Cover Belongs to rnlaing from daviantart.

Chapter 5: Is This A Goodye?

''Sherlock, can you come here?'' said Violet.

''What is it mother?'' asked Sherlock.

''Are you okay?''

''Of course I'm okay.'' said Sherlock. ''Why is everyone asks that question?'' 

''Because you're nervous, I can see it.'' said Violet. ''You're about to make a huge decision that you don't want to.''

Sherlock's mouth opened with shock. 

''Oh, don't look at me like that.'' she said. ''Who do you think you took the deduction skills from?''

''Yes, I shouldn't be surprised.''

''So what is it?" she asked. "What's troubling you?''

''I wish I could tell you, but I can't.''

''Okay, I won't insist.'' she said. ''Let's talk about Molly.''


''Oh, you are blushing! It's so cute!'' 

''You are having fun, arent you?''

''Of course I am!'' she said. ''Finally one of my boys has a girlfriend, but I was waiting it from Mycroft.''

''He's married with his umbrella.'' said Sherlock with smirk. ''and his cake.'' 

They both laughed at  that. 


Sherlock and Mycroft were standing outside, smoking. Even if they couldn't get along, they would protect each other if something happens. But not the times like their mother caught them smoking.

"You are still acting like  a child Sherlock." said Mycroft. "Act like a grown up!"

"Like you? No thanks." said Sherlock. He secretly loved teasing his brother. His face was priceless.

"I won't waste my breathe for you." he said. "I'm going inside."

Sherlock didn't say anything. He had lots of things to think and there was no time.

"I don't know what's troubling you." said Mycroft when he turned to Sherlock. "Just... be careful."

"As if you would care."

"Actually, I would care." said Mycroft. He turned away and said "Your loss would break my heart."

Sherlock started to cough. He really wasn't expecting that.

"What do you think I should say for that?!" he asked.

"Nothing." said Mycroft, then went inside.


When John went to the garden, he found Sherlock who was standing there.


"Hey John." Sherlock said. Then he saw the driver that has all of the information about Mary.

"Did you make a decision?" he asked.

"Yes." John said. "I didn't look at it, I won't. I don't care who she is, as long as she wants to be with me, I will love her no matter what. We are going to be parents and I don't want to be like this anymore."

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