Letter 8

11 1 0

Dear Jasper,

My mind led me to Greyview Hospital. The halls smelled of bleach as I made my way to that one room. Room 318 came into view. My breathing as well as time seized for a moment as the numbers seemed to weigh me down. Then time started and so did my breathing.

My hand reached for the handle of door and it felt like a fire had lit on my hand. I ignore it like I once had done to you.

The room was silent and the machines were beeping. I sat in the rock hard chair next to the bed. My fingers itched there way to the ones on the bed. I squeezed slightly.

The ocean blue eyes opened with panic swimming in them. Yes, panic. Not love. Your hand retracted from mine. Your look turned from panic to repulsive. While my heart took another bullet lengthening the long fracture of my heart. The next words out of your mouth truly ripped me apart.

"Who are you?"

The sound of blood pumping through my body drowned my hearing. Blood rushed to my cheeks scorching them. It was almost like I could hear my world come crashing down.

The accident had caused moments of memory loss. Everything about me was completely lost. Fate was sick. Spare me the bullshit about fate and how it decides because its unfair. Life's unfair. The world is unfair. People aren't all dealt the good deck and this was one of those times.

My hands were shaking as my eyes glanced back towards your bruised face. Your eyes seem to look beyond me. It was like I wasn't truly there. Lola came though and you didn't know her either. I smiled and I know I shouldn't have but that bitch didn't deserve a spot in your memory. The monitor screeched bringing my hearing back to life. But it was a completely different story for you. The nurses and doctors came running. Lola and I were rushed out.

The tears broke the dam and poured. I wanted to scream as the machine screeched and your eyes shut. Those beautiful ocean blue eyes closed leaving me alone again.



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