The New Girl - Chapter Seventeen

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Camila and Melanie sat silently as Melanie drove to Camila's house, "So, what happened to walking with Lauren?" Melanie asked cautiously and Camila shrugged. "She prefers walking with Brad." She said bitterly and Melanie chuckled, "You're so jealous." Melanie said and Camila sighed. "I'm not. I have no legitimate reason to be jealous." Camila said defensively and Melanie gave her a look, "Sure you do. Didn't you and Lauren go on like a date?" Melanie asked curiously.

Camila then shook her head vigorously, "No! It wasn't a date, it was just two friends hanging out." Camila said sternly and Melanie only glanced her then back at the road. "It seemed like a date to me. Y'all went to the carnival together, she won you a bear, paid for your ticket..." Melanie trailed off and Camila only sighed.

"It wasn't a date Mells, I don't date." Camila said bluntly and Melanie gave her a look. "I'm really getting tired of hearing that excuse Mila. I've known you since kindergarten, and I know damn well you like Lauren." Melanie said sternly and Camila only stared at her. "So what if I do?!" Camila snapped, causing Melanie to jump a bit; Camila never really yelled.

"Then do something about it!" Melanie yelled back, causing them to fall into a silence. "You're my best friend in the whole world, I'm not gonna sit here and let you throw away a good opportunity." Melanie added in a lower tone. Camila stared at her hands for awhile, not really saying anything. Her and Melanie never really yelled at each other, and she knew when they did, it was serious.

"You don't understand-" Camila tried to say but Melanie cut her off, "No, I do understand. I understand that you don't ever wanna fall in love with someone because you're afraid of getting hurt, you're afraid of losing them in the long run, just like what happened with--" Melanie tried but Camila cut her off. "Don't." Camila said sternly and Melanie stopped the car, Camila hadn't even realized that Melanie had pulled in to park somewhere. "Just like what happened with your mom and dad." Melanie said and Camila practically glared at her.

"What part of "don't" do you not understand?! I don't wanna talk about it! Can't you just drop it?!" Camila yelled angrily and Melanie stared at her in disbelief, "No! I can't drop it, Camila! Because when my parents kicked me out of the house, you were there! Whenever some girl broke my heart, you were there! When my grandma died, you were there! So why can't you just let me be there for you, for once in your life stop shutting everyone out!" Melanie yelled frustratedly, taking Camila by surprise.

"All you ever do is shut people out, you can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know you're hurting, I know you've been hurting for the past three years, Camila. I know it sucks, life just sucks sometimes, but you gotta move on eventually. Your mom, she wouldn't have wanted you to be alone forever." Melanie said and Camila narrowed her eyes at her, "And how would you know?" Camila asked and Melanie sighed. "Because I knew her too, Mila." Melanie pointed out and Camila looked down.

"She was an amazing woman, one of the kindest people I've ever met; she would've wanted you to be happy Camila. Whether that was with Lauren or with anyone else." Melanie said and Camila continued starting at her lap, "I know that." Camila said and Melanie stared at her. "I know she would've wanted me to be happy, and I know she would've wanted me to fall in love. All she ever wanted was for me to be happy." Camila said still staring down at her laps and fidgeting with her jeans.

"Then why can't you be?" Melanie asked and Camila took a shaky breath. "Because I can't. I don't-- I don't know how to be happy without her, Melanie. She was my mom, how do I just move on from that?" Camila asked and Melanie sighed, "You don't." Melanie said bluntly, causing Camila to look up at her. "There's no way you can move on from that Camila, but you take it one day at a time. You keep moving, you keep living your life, till one day you realize it doesn't hurt as badly." Melanie said lightly, staring directly at her best friend.

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