The New Girl - Chapter Twenty-One

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Camila sat on her porch, staring at the bright sky. She sighed, feeling completely pathetic. She was willing to put her heart on the line, and it got stomped on, just like she knew it would. She couldn't even finish her day at school, she didn't even try; she just ran all the way home.

"You're home early." A soft voice said, pulling Camila out of her thoughts. She looked up to see her older sister standing over her, "Are you okay?" Sofi asked lightly, already knowing the answer. Camila only scoffed, and turned her head to the side, so she wasn't making eye contact with the older girl anymore. "Does it look like I'm okay?" Camila snapped, taking Sofi by surprise.

The older girl sighed, then taking a seat next to her younger sister. "No. Looks like you've had a rough morning." Sofi said carefully, "I've been having rough mornings for years now, what's new?" Camila asked sarcastically. "Mila, I know what you're going through I-" Sofi tried but Camila cut her off.

"You know what I'm going through?" She asked, staring at Sofi in disbelief. "Moms dead, I have a hopeless crush on my best friend— I-I think I'm in love with her. But because I took too long to grow a pair, and just tell her how I feel, I'm too late. She got swept off her feet by some British hipster wannabe, and as soon as I realized that I wanted her— that I needed her, I walked in on her kissing that wannabe British hipster. But it's fine, because you know what I'm going through, right?!" Camila yelled, and Sofi only sat there silently.

"Okay, so maybe I don't know what you're going through..." Sofi trailed off, and Camila only rolled her eyes. "Just go away." She mumbled, and Sofi sighed. She stood up, and was about to go inside, but she froze.

"No." Sofi said sternly, and Camila looked up at her. "What?" She asked, as Sofi crossed her arms. "I said, no. I will not leave you alone. I may not know what you're going through, and I may not be able to say anything to make it better; but I do know what it's like to be alone. I know what it's like to not have someone who understands. And trust me, Mila, I understand. You need mom, I get it. You need her, and she's not here." Sofi said, pausing shortly to stare at her little sister.

"You don't have mom right now, and I'm sorry about that, cause I know it sucks. But you're not alone. You may be confused, and scared, and damaged, but you're not alone. Because I'm here. And that may not be much, you may rather have anyone else, but it's my job to still be here at the end of the day— any part of the day. When shit like today happens, it's my job to be here." Sofi said, staring into Camila's eyes.

"Because when mom died, and I was sitting out here going through everything, alone; all I wanted was someone. Someone to tell me that it was going to be alright, that I was going to be alright. Dad, he did his best, he tried his hardest, he's still trying. But I couldn't tell him about boys, or why my grades were slipping, I couldn't cry to him whenever I went through a breakup. I was alone. And I'm not blaming anyone for it, because I'm fine; but I refuse to let you feel that. So no matter how hard you try to push me away, it's not gonna work." Sofi said sternly.

Camila only stared at her older sister for what felt like an eternity. Sofi didn't say anything else, because she didn't really know what to say, so she just waited.

"I was gonna tell her." Camila said, breaking the silence. "I was gonna tell Lauren I was in love with her." She added, her voice becoming slightly shaky. Sofi stared at her for a moment, before sitting back down next to her. "But then she— she was— she just—" Camila tried to explain, but her chest became heavy, and her eyes started to water. She tried to stop herself from crying, but she couldn't.

Sofi immediately wrapped her arms around her younger sister, and pulled her in. "Ssh, it's okay. It's okay." Sofi said gently, "She kissed him." Camila choked out, "I was standing right there, and she kissed him." She sobbed, causing Sofi to sigh. "Why would she do that? Why— why would I try to tell her when— why is this so hard?" Camila asked, crying even harder. Sofi felt her heart start to break, as she listened to Camila cry.

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