Another Way Out

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She groaned and rearranged her messenger bag on her shoulder. 

Yup, she was lost. Again. The dirctions had been so easy! Three lefts, two rights, a stratight hall, last door on the left, then two more rights and another left. Or had it been two lefts, three right, the straight hall way, first door on the right and then two more lefts and one last righ? Or maybe. . . Oh, she really should have written them down, she thought.

"Deliver this package, Emmy," she mocked her friends voice, "It'll be easy, Emmy, a quick in and out, no problem at all, Emmy. Yeah, right."

Sure, getting in had been the easy part. Show security her pass, follow the signs and little directions to the drop off and then leave. Simple as that. Until she had to leave. She groaned and once again cursed her horrible sense of direction for the hundredth time.

That was the last favor she ever did a favor Maciyia again. She barked a quiet laugh, "Yeah right, the last until she begs me to do just one little easy thing for her," she huffed, "Again."

She saw a sign hanging from the ceiling and had to push her copper bangs back to read it. Pushing her bangs back blocked her view and she didn't see the guy walking out in front of her until they had collided, falling to the ground with a grunt and hiss.

"I am so sorry!" she gushed as she gathered the things that had fallen from her bag, "I was trying to read a sign and I wasnt' watching where I was going. It doesn't help that I was lost too, and I'm just so sorry. I didn't -"

She stopped talking when she looked up at the person she had knocked over and was struck spechless. In his hand he held a golden mask that had dropped when they had fallen and she couldnt' help but stare. He's eyes. They were a stunning green-grey combination that held her gaze. He was so handsome! Messy, shortish dark brown hair, straight nose with a septum piercing, strong jaw with a day's worth of stuble. He was wearing a black, long sleeved shirt with black suspenders attached to a pair of warn jeans, and a hoodie with the hood popped up over his head.

"I, uh," Emmy stuttered as she stared dumbfoundedly up at the very attractive man standing in front of her, "Um, uh, I, uh."

"Are you okay?" he asked as he stood, holding out his hand, "You didn't hurt anything did you?"

Emmy blushed darkly and thought she'd swoon from his voice alone, "I'm fine," she tried to say strongly but it came out weak and shakey, "Just a little out of sorts is all. I lost my way trying to leave and I have a horrid sense of direction."

He smiled and chuckled and Emmy's stomach did flips, this guy was too hot for his own good, "Well, I'll help you find you're way," he said still holding out his hand, "Do you need help up?"

"Oh!" she shook her head and made play that she was looking around to make sure she had picked everything to hide her ever present blush, "Yes, thank you."

Of course he was just helping her out, she chided herself, he was probably a stage hand and would get fired if anyone were back here. He wasn't interested in her in the least, that was made evident by the lack of attention he paid her.

Then why does he keep holding your hand, a thought tingled at the back of her mind. 

It was obvious, she scolded the thougth, he doesn't want her getting lost again if she's not paying attention, that's all.

She frowned inwardly, besides, someone this attractive never noticed girls like her. She was too plan for his level of hotness, with her too curvy body, her too curly copper hair, and zero corrdination with her barely five foot three inch frame of a body. Nope, he'd never notice her even on a good day. 

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