Knife Called Lust

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Her heart jumped into her throat at Danny's kiss, it had been so long she had almost forgotten what his hot skin felt like on hers; burning her from the inside to between her thighs, that zing of spark whenever their lips met. Her hands tightened around his biceps as she moaned, his hands clamping down on her hips where they had found their way as he pushed her back against the wall. She whimpered as he thrust his hips up between her thighs and picked her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist. Danny's fingers dug into her muscles so hard it should have hurt, but she loved it, wanted him to grip harder. Emmy's fingers tangled in his now messy hair as she pulled to him hard, pressing her heaving breast to his chest. 

God, she wanted his shirt off, she wanted to feel his heat on her body so badly she thought she would go insane if she couldn't. Her nimble fingers gripped the collar of his tee-shirt and pulled, tugging it up hard so that he would get the message. He chuckled and reached around to jerk the clothing off, exposing his bare muscled chest. Emmy devoured him with her eyes and leaned forward, biting his neck, collar bone, and shoulder, all the while gripping him as if he might run.

"You're turn," he growled darkly as he ripped open her shirt, buttons flying every which way from the force.

He groaned when he looked down at her breasts, tilting his head to kiss the swell of each one. Emmy gasped and moaned loudly, she had missed being touched there so much. It had been so long. Danny pulled the cups of her bra down, forcing her breast to pop out and he took her right nipple into his hot mouth. Emmy cried out and arched her back. His mouth was so hot she thought she'd lose her mind from the sensation. He adept tongue twirled around her nipple and he sucked hard. She felt heat gather between her thighs, she was so wet she hurt, aching from need. Danny growled at her response and pulled back from her breast, making her whimper and bit her lower lip, but he attacked her mouth once more, delving in to taste her. She gasped and her legs tightened round his waist, grinding his erection into her hot, aching need.

"Danny," she gasped holding his head as he went for her nipples again, ripping her shirt the rest of the way off.

Danny groaned at the sound of her moans and pulled them back from the wall, walking to the bed where he dropped Emmy. She squealed and giggled, blushing darkly as she looked up at Danny, meeting his darkened gaze, that look that said he wanted to devour every inch of her. She bit her lip, now that she wasn't being overwhelmed by him she felt her shyness creeping back in. She looked away from Danny's bare chest and brought her arms up around her body.

Danny knelt on the bed over her, "No, no, no, no, no," he murmured kissing her arms where they lay on her stomach, "Don't cover up. I love looking at you," he pulled her arms to reveal her belly which he kissed gently, "You don't ever have to cover up around me, Emmy."

She gasped when his lips touched her sensitive belly and tightened her hands to fists, closing her eyes, "Danny," she panted pulling at her arms slightly, "Wait."

Danny kissed up her belly to her bare breasts, "First," he said with a dark, sexy smile, tugging at her bra "I want to get this thing off of you."

Emmy blushed darker and was relived she'd pick the one bra she owned that opened in the front. Danny unhooked it and his eyes lit with a brighter fire than before at the site of Emmy almost naked. She moved to bring her arms up again, but Danny caught them and pushed them to her side, "I want to see you, Emmy," Danny whispered as he kissed the space between Emmy's breast, "I want to see all of you."

Emmy's heart raced as Danny's hands lightly trailed down her trim waist and his finger tips caught the waist of her pants. Her eyes went huge as Danny slowly, watching her all the while, pulled her pants down and off before crawling back up to hover over her.

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