1.6; when he can't stop flirting even if he's hurt

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DAY 6: "You punched me in the face while gesticulating wildly to a friend"  


„I can't believe you did that, Luna," Matteo murmurs faintly, trying to avoid closing his mouth.

"I am really sorry. It was an accident, really," the girl reassures while holding his elbow. "Hey, hey, watch out, because your favorite shirt will be destroyed in a few seconds," she jokes as she puts opened hand under his chin. Few drops of blood falls to her skin, making her tremble.

"Thanks to you." His hand covers hers from the bottom and Luna has no idea how stupid they must've look now.

"Okay, we have to get to your dorm and clean this mess. What class do you have next?" Luna tries to ignore his grumpy comments, she would be as much annoyed if something like that happened to her.

Luna literally punched him in the face during that talk with Nina and she doesn't even remember what made her gesticulate that much. She just threw her hand in the air and... ouch.

"I don't care." Matteo's breathing shows her he tries to be calm. Little lake of blood on her hand is getting bigger. If it wasn't him, she would just take the person to some bathroom, but it's Matteo Balsano. He has reputation. He can't enter some ordinary bathrooms.

"We have to go faster, Matteo." He shoots her annoyed look. "I can tell you that even with those mad eyes and cut on lower lip you still look as great as always." Maybe this one will work. Many people are watching them. It has been common to see Luna with Matteo, but they are touching and it has never happened before.

Of course, they had touched. They are friends and come on, it is college and they live in the same dorm building, so they are often hanging out together, okay?

They enter the elevator and it's the first time when Matteo can actually see himself. He looks at the mirror and smirk appears on his face. It is little smirk, maybe he doesn't want to enlarge the injury.

"You know, you would've done less mess if you just bit me in this lip." Oh no, he came back.

"Your luck is here, because if I didn't have my hand glued to your chin, I would do the same thing with your upper lip."

"Do you mean biting me?" He leans closer.

"How much flirting does it take to go by this elevator to the eleventh floor?" Loud 'ding' answers her, not allowing Matteo to tell anything more.

They reach Matteo's and Gastón's dorm and he opens the door. Luna can't do anything because of protecting his precious white shirt from dark blood. He gently takes her bag from her free arm and lays it on the chair. Matteo unties his tie, throwing it somewhere but he stops her when she leads to the bathroom.

"Wait." So she stays. "No matter how weird this thing turn out, I have to save this one." Matteo takes his hand from hers and starts to unbutton his shirt.

Oh God, why me?

Luna almost chokes on the air.

Here you are, Luna Valente, you achieved this stage of your life when Matteo Balsano is undressing himself in front of you, while you are holding his blood in your grasp.

How fucked up it sounds?

"Do you," she has to clear her throat, "have first aid kit in the bathroom?" Avoiding his eyes isn't that hard now. He nods and when the cloth is hanging safely on the back of his chair Luna still can't say anything.

"Yeah, come on."

Dorms' bathrooms are not that bad if you clean them from time to time. Matteo and Gastón are sick of any mess, so their bathroom is much clearer than anything in Luna's part of her own room.

He places himself on the edge of the bathtub, yeah, they have a bathtub, and allows Luna to take her hand, red from his blood. She rolls up one sleeve and put her fingers under cold water.

"It doesn't make you sick?" Matteo's quiet question fills up the space as she lets the liquid cover her hand completely.

"Does it make you?"

"No, because it is my blood, but you? You don't have to do this."

"It's your blood, so no, it isn't disgusting or something." Luna shrugs, congratulating herself for staying open-minded in small area with shirtless Matteo. "And it's all my fault, so at least this I can do for you." She stands between his legs with a wet pledget in her fingers. "Watch out, it can hurt a little."

Even if Matteo was grumpy and mad at the beginning, he doesn't say anything when she places her cold fingers on his nape to tilt his head in a way she could see his lip better. Luna tries to pretend she isn't making him shiver. Her second hand with the pledget goes to his lips. He just closes eyes and his hand is on hers when she's clearing the wound.

Luna's mind keeps screaming 'touching, touching, touching!'

"It wasn't that bad." She laughs, taking her hands away after two minutes. "You are really brave patient. Do you want a sticker?" He rolls his eyes.

"I am a man, Luna. It's just a little injury." Luna shakes her head.

"The bravest little Matteíto." She puts a tissue on his lip. "Here, you have to hold this there and maybe it'll need a little ice. I am really sorry again. Please, just don't sue me for destroying your face, okay?"

"I already forgave you, calm down, tiny girl. Besides, I look like a bad boy now." Matteo sends her lopsided grin.

"You do. I think I'll go now, I don't know if I want to meet your bad boy. You are safe and everything." She turns around before she'll shoot a look on his chest.

When she touches the handle of the door, his voice is there again.

"You know how it looks, right? When you are leaving my dorm with this blush, during the class and I have wound on my lips." Luna's heart stops. Keep it cool or you won't leave this place alive.

"Yeah, people are like that," she added, turning to him. He's much closer than she thought. "And when Gastón sees you don't have your shirt on, he won't leave us alone."

She feels his breath on her face.

No one has told what they mean, but both of them know.

"So maybe," he said, taking one of her curls between his fingers, "we shouldn't give them false impression."

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