2.4; what if we dance tonight?

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DAY 4: "You noticed me standing off to the side instead of dancing, and I told you that I can't dance but you just gave me the flirtiest smile and said that you'd teach me, and who am I to refuse?"

What if we dance tonight?

Luna has learned to love faculty parties with time since she started her studies. Her friends keep dragging her there every single time one is organized so she doesn't really have any other way out of this except attending them and enjoying as much as it's possible. If it's not for Simón or Ámbar (who always crash with her, but not today, today they are on a date), it's for Luna's group friends, because all of them got a plan to set her with someone finally. She usually doesn't mind; it's silly in this cute way even if she gets absolutely nothing except guys wanting to talk between classes next few days.

The only thing she does mind is when her friends make her drink with them just to dare her to do stupid things like getting free drinks from older students.

Today though they did beat their own records when someone (Luna doesn't remember who now since she was too outraged by this at first) told her that no matter what she wouldn't go to Matteo Balsano and talk without making a fool out of herself.

And who is she to say no after those three or four drinks she has already had?

Luna's desk friend pushes into her fingers small glass for her to have quick shot, completely aware of ridiculousness of this situation and Luna is pushed out of their little circle.

Lights are flashing with all colors and music is definitely too loud; Luna can feel it in her ribs.

She spots him by the wall with glass in his hand as he's looking around wearing this small smile and Luna feels suddenly weak.

Everyone attending their faculty knows him, usually smirking in this a little snobbish way at every single person, sometimes having ton of papers in his hands yet he still manages to look flawless even with a pen behind his ear and glasses. Luna has always wondered if he's aware of the fact that most girls from their faculty are crushing on him. She, of course, is one of them, it's not surprising at all; she hates this hopeless crush though, and hates knowing the fact it would be impossible to do anything with it. The only thing she decided to do is staring at him using every chance she gets.

Sober Luna would never take a risk of acting stupid in front of him, because he seems to like her despite the fact they talk only about uni or class stuff and she doesn't want to lose at least this. Now she hates herself and the alcohol for moving her legs before the brain manages to think.

In a blink she finds herself in part of the place he embraces with his eyes, and when he spots her the smile on his face gets a little wider.

Her knees tremble as she waves in this totally lame way before making few steps towards him feeling his eyes on her body. If she were more drunk she would say that he's checking her out, but she is not and this is Matteo Balsano out of all people.

He must notice Luna is actually approaching him and he frowns a bit emptying his glass quickly. Luna just takes small sip and smiles awkwardly stopping few steps away from him.

"Hi." Only leaves her mouth as she has no idea what to say. Her eyes scan him in one second when she manages to do it with decent consciousness. He's wearing black dressing shirt and black jeans. Very fresh if you know that he keeps wearing white shirt daily and never really jeans. He also doesn't have a tie, first buttons of his shirt are undone and she wants to undo the rest (just for science). Luna needs to note in her head that never even look at Balsano when she's having alcohol in her blood.

"Hi," Matteo answers with a chuckle letting Luna know he won't make it any easy for her. Like he ever does anything to actually do stuff faster.

"How are you?" she asks bouncing on her feet noting in her head that they played her favorite song already for the third time and his eyes are on her whole body again. She blushes, but it's dark enough for him not to see it, or at least she hopes that.

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