2.1; what if we want more?

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DAY 1: "You're an exchange student and my family is hosting you, we might become just a little too close during your stay."

What if we want more?

As soon as Matteo feels soft weight of Luna's head on his chest he can't really regret that he agreed on taking her as his exchange. Well, maybe not exactly his, because he wasn't able to be in Mexico at her place. Luna was Ámbar's exchange, but a week before students from Cancun were supposed to come to Buenos Aires, Ámbar's godmother - Sharon Benson - stated she was not going to have any strange kid in her mansion. Both Matteo and Ámbar have been sure it was just one of her usual migraines; the Benson woman signed the agreement few months before after all.

Matteo wasn't really convinced he should've done that since it would mean walking the girl around the city, school trips he truly despises, general babysitting her and much awkwardness. He did hear from his blonde friend that Luna was really bright, bouncing around, had all enthusiasm of the world, but it was relatively difficult for Ámbar to really get to Luna.

He wasn't sure indeed, yet now when she's cuddling to him while watching third movie this night on his bed he can't regret that. It was actually easy; they have gotten along since day one, laughing about stupid stuff or silly videos or just talking, because she is curious of everything.

Luna Valente is this kind of magic which makes his mother bake cookies with her, makes his father put down his tablet and let her show him puppy videos, kind of magic that keeps making Matteo stay away from all the girls he used to have fun with, because he's able to focus only on little lady Valente.

Of course, he had an idea of having her close in this particular way, but he started to like her definitely too much to be his usual self with her. It apparently worked better for their relation, because two weeks isn't time he would like to get with her to something other than friends, staying alone in empty house and heart. He already knows it's gonna be hard.

It's Friday and she's leaving on Tuesday, so days are melting in his eyes. Luna wanted to watch a movie and why have a single movie when you can have movie night in his very room?

She didn't even seem any weirded by this idea; she jumped to run, bumped into him and ran quickly to his bedroom yelling that she was taking the bigger pillow. Not really, because he ended up being her pillow and now when the third Avengers movie is almost ending, she's asleep with her face in his neck, breathing softly.

Matteo chuckles as quiet as possible as he puts his arm round her shoulders pulling her closer slowly. Her own arm hugs him tightly while he leans his chin on top of her head wanting to finish the movie. The owner of this room isn't sure how long Luna will sleep; is she going to wake up by herself? Or maybe he should be the one to stop her sleeping?

He doesn't feel like waking her up, because the day was super tiring and his parents would definitely mind if anyone walked around the house at two am.

The movie still has like twenty minutes to go, so if she's not awake by then, he will just let her sleep here trying not to feel weird, since girl in his very bed is like breathing in the space.

Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's pretty science fiction idea.


Even if it's any surprising, Luna sleeps harder by the end of the movie. Matteo closes the laptop after checking his facebook, texting Gastón back, not caring that she could wake up and see since she's been texting Perida for last days when Matteo was cooking or showering. None of them all really cared and bless Gastón grew up to having a filter in every message, not asking Balsano randomly if he's planning to hook up with some girl next party.

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