Chapter 20

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"Maxfield" I say through clenched teeth causing him to chuckle.

"Oh Addie poo.... It's been awhile, I almost forgot your little temper problem" He said with a smug smile, analyzing instruments that would soon be used to send me into a fit of pain just for his hobby of performing experimental shit on so called 'evil' vampires.

"What happened to your oh so impressive lab and cellar prison?" I say in a sickly sweet voice as I noticed the cheap laboratory that was an abandoned hospital room.

"The funds have died along with the rest of the Whitmore bloodline" he said, grabbing a small yet sharp scalpel and moving the bottom of my shirt up a little.

"Umm excuse me mister, You have to at least take me out to dinner before you get to at least 2nd base" I smirk. "Besides, I have a boyfriend."

He just chuckles before splicing my tanned skin and producing a deep cut that hurt like a little bitch.

I screamed out in pain as he analyzed my insides.

"Where's... Damon?" I said in between screams and grunts of pain.

"Damon is with Stefan back at the house... Damon didn't want to face me himself so he sent you"

That isn't true... Damon isn't that heartless.

Sure, he's a killer and a spontaneous murderer and can be triggered to drain anybody in the blink of an eye, but he's not a super bad person.

Yea.... that doesn't help my point, does it?

I feel cold metal inside me as Maxfield digs around my stomach and intestines, studying each and every one much to my dislike.

After another agonizing 45 minutes, I feel the absence of metal. I sigh in relief but cringe as the pain still lingers and is slowly spreading throughout my body.

"Oh don't relax yet Ms. Mikaelson. You're not going anywhere" he smiles before unstrapping my confines and dragged me off to the 'dungeon' otherwise known as the psychiatric intensive care unit and locked the industrial steel door behind him.

I groaned after my failed attempts at breaking the door down. I hear a deep chuckle "You're wasting your time and energy"

I turn around to see a guy around my age with dark hair that hung around his shoulders with dark brown eyes, he had freckles sprinkled across his creeks with a mole on his neck.


"Hello... I'm Leo. Leo Howard" he smiles, outstretching a hand.

I take it with a smile. "Nice to meet you Leo... I'm Adira Mikaelson" I smile.

"Oh I know who you are" he chuckles "Remember in 1011? Our parents forced us to marry and you ended up biting me the night before our ceremony" he smiled.

"Your father still made us get married" he smiled.

I was speechless. This boy right here was the first person I bit and turned and he's the first direct person in my bloodline.

"So we're married?"

He chuckles and nods with a smile. "I have been hoping to run into you... actually anyone that has never been to St. Augustine"

I scoffed and laughed "Sorry but I've been here before.. back when it was huge and at the college being ran with the help of the Whitmore's"

For the next couple hours we sit in silence just thinking. Thinking about what is to come. Where the others are. If they notice we're gone.

Or at least that's what I'm thinking I don't know about Leo. He's sitting down leaning against the wall while occupying himself by drawing random objects in the dirt and dust that has accumulated on the floor since the unit was closed.

He's actually quite fit for being in a cell, or well psych unit, for who knows how long.

He's wearing a dark blue v neck with some ripped jeans that I don't think we're ripped before. His eyes are dark brown much like mine only his are somewhat dull yet when he saw me they lit up just a bit. He moved his long shoulder length brown wavy hair away from his face and secured it behind him ear, revealing a tiny little stud. An ear piercing.

I smiled a little as I fingered my three piercings along with my earring. I have four holes on my right ear and three on my left. Each with a different earring in it. I had a bit of a scene phase where I got blue highlights and went all piercing crazy. I had gotten the ear piercings, my eyebrow and my belly button. I didn't keep the eyebrow one.

I need a job so I took that one out and never wore it again. Unlike that one, The belly button one you can't see unless I lift my shirt up so I kept that one and my hair covers the others even though they're allowed in certain jobs.

I don't know how much time passes before a girl that looks at least 14 comes down. Her wrists are chained together and she looked really pale. Maxfield comes down with a smirk as he pushes her into one of the exam rooms across from me and scoots a tiny glass of blood into each cell before leaving the room while writing something on a clipboard.

I gulp the metallic red substance and turn to Leo. "If he doesn't care about us other than science projects, then why is he letting us feed?" He must not have been here that long.

"He just gives us enough to stay alive" I answer him.

"W-where am I?"

My head whips around to the girl who came in with Dr. Maxfield.

She was looking around with a worried and frightened expression before locking eyes with me.

"Hello sweetie. I'm Adira. This is Leo. It's okay calm down"

She nods "I-I'm Samantha" she speaks softly and I see her body trembling.

"Samantha, I recommend getting some sleep" Leo says with a caring voice and friendly smile.

She smiles and lays down with her back turned to us as Maxfield comes back down with a devious smile.

He looks down at his clipboard before tapping it with his pen and walking towards Leo and my chain door.

"Well Ms. Mikaelson, It's seems it's your lucky day. You get to go upstairs twice today" he says as he unlocks the door and pulls me from under my arm and forces me out of the room and towards his cheap lab.

I turn around and sink my sharp canines into his jugular vein causing him to scream and go speechless and fall to the ground but not after I feed him some of my delicious vampire blood so when he dies he'll be reborn into a vampire and I'll stake him so he knows the feeling.

I run back down to the psychiatric ward and open the door to Leo's and Samantha's rooms and our trio ran out and towards the hospital exit.

Wow, I was only here a day and I hated it.

Dr. Maxfield was over Leo's shoulder bouncing unconsciously as we ran out of the door.

Leo stops and turns to me as we arrive at my house.

"So.... if you don't mind Adira. I'd like to get to know my wife so if I'll call you sometime" he winked as he hugged me and vamp ran out of site.

The door burst down, coming off the hinges in the process, to reveal Damon standing there with blood dripping down his chin.

"Damon" that's all I say as he scans my scarred and beaten face.

"Ads.... Who was that?" he growled with an angry look as Stefan came to the door and smiled as he hugged me.

"My husband of more than 1000 years"

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