Chapter 1

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The paladins were out in space fixing the ships minor damages when they heard the blaring noise alerting them that their ship is under attack by the Galra fleet. They shot up and glided towards the metal doors of the ship and began running to their lions who were waiting.
"LETS GO" shiro yelled as he fell into the seat of his lion.
"YEAH!" They screamed back at their space daddy.

Pidge's P.O.V

I left the hanger that was holding my lion. I decided to attack with my lions ability to form roots on anything I shoot at. I head to the first fighter jet I see and shoot.

First down 203649647039 more to go. I know I'm over reacting but still don't they ever give up like, bro come on you are not getting Voltron.
" Shiro." I respond
" Can you assist me here they are out numbering me here. I can only handle so much. "
" I got you fam. "
" Thank you Pidge. "
I start heading over to shiro when the fighter jets start surrounding me.I try shooting but they shot green right in the mouth when she opened it to shoot. She got knocked out great. I tried moving her but she wouldn't awake. I then knew I was doomed, because if I went outside to escape I would die.
"GUYS! " I yell " GUYS!"
" oh great I can't reach them." I sighed I tried to reboot the intercom but naturally I failed.
'What was that' I think to myself, GALRA dammit because she is knocked out the forcefield is not up. I look out the window and saw the galra are attacking my teammates so they can't get me I look behind myself to get to my bayard and of course the galra are here.

'shit there are to many.' I try to fight but that didn't work they caught my arm, so I tried running through them but I couldn't they hit me over the head and just like that I was knocked out like green was.

3rd persons P.O.V
"Shiro we can't fight them off they just keep coming" Lance panicked as they were trying to get to a helpless Pidge.
"Thank you Mr. obvious." Keith rolled his eyes.
"Shut up for a moment you guys look that's pidge she is with the galra she looks knocked out." Hunk cried out.
" KATIE!!!" Shiro cried.
"Katie?" Keith asked.
" Katie who is that?" lance asked.
"Katie?"hunk asked.
"Katie?"croran asked.
" Pidge told you she was a girl, but what she didn't tell you her real name is actually Katie, Katie Holt " Allrua replied.
" And how did you figure that out " Shiro asked Allura.
"The mice tell me everything."
"But guys how do we get pidge back she is still trapped." hunk panicked.
"I don't know anything can happen to her. Even more pain than I had because she is a paladin of Voltron." shiro was struggling he was feeling awful, because he was suppose to take care of her for Matt, but now she is captured by the Galra. How is he going to face him in the future he let this happen.
"Ye-e-es " his voice cracked
" don't worry we will get her back." Keith said happy they couldn't see him, because he wasn't doing much better.

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