Chapter 4

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Sorry for the bit of a time skip LOL btw pic and videos I show in this book are not mine unless I say otherwise

Katie sat with her gun dressed in her gear she was guarding the prisoner they captured from their ongoing battle with voltron

" pidge common girl you know it me Kieth " Keith said calmly Katie cried out in agony her head was feeling like it was going to explode " what are you doing to me" she cried
" Nothing I swear " Keith shouted good of time as any to role with the plan
~ Play back ~
They where sitting in a circle
" okay so we need a plan " Hunk stated
" I have a plan " land replied
" okay let's hear it" Shiro smiled
" so we should get one of us to get captured so they hold us hostage and maybe we can get into the same cell as Pidge then we communicate with our lion telepathically and they will burst us out and BAM prison break " lance cheered out the last part.
" anyone else have a better plan? " Shiro asked  they all looked around
" no ?"
" okay lance we are going with yours "  Shiro nodded towards him
" YAAAY" he shouted
~ back to the present ~

Hey red I need you to bust me out of the Galra prison I am in.

'There's my girl' Keith smiled watching red blast open a wall
" no you are not escaping " Katie jumped and slammed the emergency button with her hand and used the back of the gun to strike Keith in the abdomen forcefully knocking him down gasping for air. With that red got furious she blasted her lasers at pidges gun knocking it out of her hands

" thanks red but you were close to hitting her " Keith exhaled.
Red nodded her head and helped stand Keith up so they could escape with an opposed Katie, but they weren't quick enough Zarkon reached them just in time.

" OHH HELL NAH YOU AIN'T GOIN ANYWHERE " he bellowed down the halls.
" Zarkon sir help they are trying to take me " Katie cried out
" troops I guess it's time we already got the green lion but to keep our information safe inject her again " he mumbled to his minions. They shot katie with the drug and she fell asleep but not before they slit her throat.

Sorry for it being a bit short I decided to end off on this PERFECT cliffhanger

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