The Video

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*Matt's Pov*

I had just gone over to Angelica's house to try to make her feel better. I had no idea that she was still into me but I guess she is. I'm still kind of into her too, so I kissed her back.

The next day

*Zoleanny's POV*

Matt had said that he wanted to meet me at a restaurant to tell me something. I was early for our date, so I got a table & decided to check out Angelica's YouTube. I wanted to see how my competition is. I clicked her newest video titled "Makeup Tutortial." The video started off with her introducing herself, then saying "Let's go!" The next part of the video was her & Matt sitting on the bed. Okay... that's kind of weird. He told me he was going home yesterday, but instead he went over to Angelica's? What is going on? Then they kissed. She leaned over & kissed him & he freaking kissed back! Why did he kiss back? Why didn't he push her away? All these thoughs were running through my mind when Matt walked up to the table.

"Hey!" he said. He tried to lean down to kiss me, but I backed away.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I didn't say anything, I just showed him the video.

"Zoleanny, wait! I can explain!"

"Screw you!" I yelled as I ran out of the restaurant with tears streaming down my face.

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