Car Crash

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*Matt's POV*

I got into my car & started driving to Zoleanny's house. While I was driving I looked out my window to see... TAYLOR & ZOLEANNY KISSING?! I was still staring at them when the other car ran right into me. Then everything went black.

*Angelica's POV*

"Matty?" I said as I picked up my phone. He had called me.

"No, this isn't him. This is the police. It seems like your friend has been in a serious car accident. His phone got left behind & we are calling everyone on his contact list to let them know about the accident." I didn't reply. I just ended the call, threw my diary on my bed (which I was writing in before the call), grabbed my keys & sprinted out the door. I drove as quickly as I could to the local hospital. I really hope Matty is okay.

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