how does it feel to be the only star in the sky?

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Day One: "We keep telling each other pick up lines and I thought this was a funny game, but it turns out you were serious?? oh" (kinda)


The day was a complete drag.

First of all, it was Monday; that alone meant her energies were practically inexistent by default. Secondly, the pop-quiz her math teacher had threw at them first thing in the morning was a confirmed failure; she hadn't studied at all, had only answered two out of the five questions and she was sure only one was correct. Thirdly, her best friend had bailed on her for dinner, so here you had her, in the middle of a restaurant, by herself. Without anyone. Alone.

But the drive here had been so time consuming she just couldn't leave without eating something, the pitiful looks her waiter had been giving her since she arrived could be damned; she was gonna enjoy her food.

Groaning, she picked on her plate of pasta, not happy at all to be spending her Monday evening like this. But Nina had apologized profusely, and so sincerely she just couldn't blame her for ditching her. After all, if her dad had gotten a promotion she'd want to celebrate it with him, too.

"Excuse me, miss, could I have some directions?"

Dropping her fork, she looked up to see a guy her age, smiling down at her. Weren't she so startled, she'd actually appreciate the way his eyes seemed to sparkle while looking at her, or, you know, realize they were in a restaurant and not in the middle of the street where you usually ask for directions.

"To where?"

The boy leaned in, closing their distance to mere centimeters, and whispered, "to your heart."

The sudden heat on her cheeks warned her of a blush, though it wasn't of embarrassment. Oh, no, she found the whole thing hilarious and was trying really hard not to laugh in this guy's face. His foreign accent made the situation even more ridiculous. Who used pick up lines nowadays, anyway?

Oh, but he didn't stop there.

"I mean, do you know what my shirt is made of?" He got even closer, pointing to his blue dress shirt, "... boyfriend material." Luna had to bite her lower lip to stop the smirk threatening to appear on her face, but the guy was so close he could see the slight shift in the corners of her mouth, and must've mistook it for flattery, because his smirk got larger, "have you been to the doctor lately? Cause I think you're lacking some Vitamin Me."

She just couldn't hold the laugh any longer. She laughed so hard, so loudly, a good number of costumers looked their way and just stared. Some disapprovingly, some quite entertained with the way she laughed.

That had to be one the most ridiculous, yet funniest moments of her short life. This guy -really cute guy, by the way-, came to her out of nowhere, interrupted her dinner, made her laugh with cheesy pick up lines and totally erased any bad feeling she'd collected from the evil Monday by doing so.

The stranger fidgeted nervously on his feet, standing a little further from her by doing so.

Luna composed herself, reducing her laugh to a giggle, "I really needed that, thank you," she offered him her right hand, "I'm Luna."

Boy blinked a couple times at her, before staring down at her hand, amazed. She wouldn't blame him if he thought she was a little out of her mind, Luna could only guess what his mind was telling him about her.

"Uh, I'm Matteo?" He shot her a small smile, making her grin back at him.

"Do you wanna sit down, Matteo?" She motioned to him to sit down on the empty chair in front of her. He hesitated for a bit, staring at the chair for a couple of seconds.

Making his mind, he sat down and confessed, "I thought for sure I'd end up with a glass of coke in my face, not with an invitation to sit down."

Luna shrugged, "I've had a pretty bad day but your cheesiness kind of brighten it up."

Matteo's face was pure uncertainty. He looked from her to the bar in the middle of the restaurant a couple times, before settling his brown eyes on her own green ones.

"Uh, you're welcome?"

Shaking her head at him, she pointed down at the small basket of bread and butter, silently inviting him to help himself. It was only when he did so that she continued.

"So, tell me," her voice was coated with curiosity, "what made you tell ridiculous pick up lines to little me, Luna Valente?"

Matteo moved uncomfortable in his seat, looking quite embarrassed, "My friend, Gastón, he, uh..."

Luna looked sympathetic, her mind already going to the most ridiculous scenario, "he put a bet on you, didn't he?" leaning over the table a little, she softly squeezed his left hand with her right one, "he said I'd throw my coke in your face?"

He scratched the back of his neck, doubt and hesitation clear in his eyes, "something like that?"

She looked back to the bar where another boy was sitting on a stool, open mouthed while blatantly looking at her and Matteo together, vanilla milkshake hanging in the air in his hand. Bravely, she lifted one of her hands and waved; the boy, even more flabbergasted than before, dropped his milkshake, splashing himself with it.

Behind her, Matteo lost in. He laughed for a whole two minutes, stopped for a second, looked back and lost it again. Chuckling, Luna's eyes sparkled in mischief.

"Wanna dine with me and prove him wrong?"

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