let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends

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DAY SEVEN: free holidays


The countdown was beginning

Sixty seconds was all they had left of the year. One of his best years, to be honest; full of laughter, friendship, a couple of tears here and there, but mostly of love. There hadn't been a year he'd felt more loved than now.

Matteo had a lot to be thankful for this year. He got to keep the girl, his friends, his school, skating... He finally had some stability after years of moving around. Looking around, passing the faces of the people he considered family, all gathered around Gastón's living room to welcome the New Year; everyone smiling, laughing, just happy to be together.

The thirty second mark came, so he turned to his girlfriend, taking her little hand in his. Luna's smile was blinding. She was so excited her body was shaking from it, bouncing on her feet while exclaiming the seconds they had left of this year.

Ten seconds left and everyone started shouting, "... NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN," he positioned himself in front of Luna, leaving them face to face, "SIX, FIVE, FOUR," both them inched closer, Matteo dropping his head a little lower because of their height difference, "THREE, TWO, ONE... HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Their lips met for moment, before his best friend wrapped his arm around his neck and pushed his head away, engulfing him in a hug. "Happy New Year, buddy!"

Matteo slapped Gastón's head slightly, but laughed with him, "Happy New Year's, you dumbo." Gastón dramatically put his right hand on his chest, 'offended' by his insult, but his smile couldn't be held back for more than five seconds.

"I love you, bro."

Matteo rolled his eyes, and pushed him to where their girls were hugging the rest of their friends, "Love you too, bro. Now c'mon, they're waiting for us."

The closer they got, the louder their laughs did too. Their friends were exchanging hugs, kisses, and smiles, and it was then when he realized that this year was going to be pretty great too; as long as he had them with him.


Six days later, he found himself at the Benson's mansion. Día de Reyes was, apparently, one of his girlfriend's favorite holidays, and her mom had prepared everything to celebrate it.

They'd agreed to not exchange presents this day, but that didn't stop him from buying a small pendant for his girlfriend's skate's laces. She'd reprimanded him at first, but eventually had accepted it, and promised to change this new heart-shaped pendant instead of her old one.

He was now helping Mónica pour the hot chocolate in cups, while Simón and Ámbar helped distribute them among the adults, and Luna brought the rosca out of the oven.

"So, what you're saying is, that if I cut the uh, rosca and a baby Jesus comes out, I have to make tamales for everyone in February?" Ámbar's words were coated with incredulity.

"Or buy them. But this is Argentina, love; there aren't many tamaleros to buy from." Simón's girlfriend huffed, and warned him that, if she for any reason got one, he'd be the father and had to make the tamales too.

"Do you celebrate Día de Reyes in Italy, Matteo?" Monica asked beside him, interrupting his eavesdropping.

"Uh, we have something similar, called La Befana, but we don't cut rosca or anything."

Monica nodded, "does, uh, La Befana bring presents too?" This time it was him who nodded, "good. Now let's see who's making us tamales soon." She joked, pouring the last drops of hot chocolate in her own cup, and walked to the table, where Miguel and her daughter where already hovering over the rosca.

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