she be my queen since we were sixteen

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DAY FOUR: "Don't be ridiculous; my mom loves you! My dad hates everyone."


"Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Stop being so dramatic, Matteo. They're just my parents."

He groaned, for what had to be, the hundredth time since she'd let him know they were going to have late brunch at her parents' on Monday night, and the twentieth since they stepped into the car. It wasn't that he hated her parents, because that wasn't the case whatsoever; it was just that the attitude her dad kept giving him even after five years of relationship, one of them living together.

('Nonchalant' comments about other boys [he, thankfully, stopped once Simón got engaged], frowns whenever he even dared to kiss his girlfriend's cheek in front of him, scowls whenever he declined salsa on his food.)

Miguel Valente loved his daughter, Matteo had that crystal clear. But the more serious their relationship got, the more displeased he seemed to be at him and the progress of it. Luna was sure it was because he thought he was losing his little girl to him -her mom had confirmed it countless of times- which he could comprehend to an extent; God knew that if He ever blessed him with one little Luna of his own he'd be chasing away boys too. At this time, however, it only made dinners with the Valente's the most awkward moments of his existence.

"Yes, and your parents don't like me, love." He argued, exaggerating his lie, taking his eyes off the road for a couple of seconds to look at her.

Luna extended her hand a little, taking his right hand off the gear shift to clasp it in hers, "don't be ridiculous; my mom loves you!" She assured him, "my dad hates everyone trying to steal me away, that's all!"

Weren't he driving with the most important person to him, and in the middle of a busy road, he'd have laughed at her words. He was still getting used to drive himself instead of letting his dad hire a driver for them, like he'd done from kindergarten to college, and wasn't going to risk Luna's and his safety or his independence in a moment of distraction.

In the back of his mind he knew he needed to go; there was something really important he had to ask Luna's parents. And the more he postponed it, the longer it'd take to put a beautiful ring on her left hand.


When they parked outside her parents house (they'd moved out from the Benson's as soon as the whole Sol situation went down), he wasn't surprised to find her dad on the porch, waiting for them.

Luna, happy to see him, jumped out of her seat the second he'd turned off the car; throwing herself into her dad's arms for a hug. Miguel squeezed her tightly, kissing her forehead multiple times while she babbled away how much she'd missed him.

"Mr. Valente," he greeted him when he was close enough, hiding his hands on the back pockets of his jeans.

The older man nodded slightly, "Matteo." Luna rolled her eyes at their exchange, murmured something about his mom and left them alone by entering the house without them. The air got a little denser all of the sudden, so much Matteo had to unbutton the collar of his green shirt.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?"

Miguel, noticing he was nervous, smirked a little, "something wrong with you, boy?"

"I wanted to ask you something after lunch, if I may, sir." To say Luna's father was surprised would be an understatement. He was taken so off guard, his eyebrows almost reached the beginning of his hairline.

"If your nerves are any indication, it must be important, isn't it?" Matteo nodded yes, "then why not tell me now? The sooner the better, don't you think?"

He tried to calm himself. Taking a deep breath, he blurted out what he was thinking. "I love your daughter. I've been in love with her since I was seventeen and never went back from there. She's my moonlight, she brings out the best in me, when she's with me I'm sure any dream is possible, keeping the nightmares away," he stopped for a little, breathing in. Miguel's face was emotionless, "but she's also my Sun. I rotate around her, taking comfort in her warmness, she gives life and sunshine wherever she goes; and just like the Earth, I could never live without her."

Matteo shifted a little, Miguel's stare was making him a little uncomfortable, "so, um, what I wanted to ask you was if, uh, you would let me-"

"Marry her?" Miguel interrupted him, arms crossed. He nodded, "do you know why I always try to scare you away, Matteo?" The boy denied it, shaking his head, "she loves you. She's done so since she was sixteen. She was a baby back then, and you'd already stole her away forever. The father in me didn't like it."

"I'm, uh, sorry?" Miguel smiled at him.

"Don't be, son. I knew the day would come, I just wish it'd have been later." At this point, Matteo was super lost.

"Does that mean I can propose to your daughter?"

"Yes." Miguel didn't even let him say thanks, "I have to say, though, your speech was a seven. You better make it a ten when you propose to Luna."

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