the moment that you wander far from me, i wanna feel you in my arms again

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DAY SIX: "So I'm either going to knock you out or kiss you to shut you up. I'm giving you the option to choose."


"Sweetheart, stop freaking out. You're doing amazingly." The death glare sent his way told him just how appreciative his comment was. "C'mon, you know we're gonna kill it tomorrow, don't worry."

His girlfriend continued skating around, trying to find just the right impulse to, do the somersault they needed to qualify to the next round of the Intercontinental. She'd been doing it successfully around fifty times now, but she just wasn't quitting for the day, and that had him a little worried. Besides the fact that their team didn't need her tired the next day, he was worried she was pushing herself too hard.

Yes, they had barely made it the last round, and yeah, maybe her little stumble was part of the reason, but she was taking it a little too far with the incessant making of the move. From his position on the sidelines of the rink, she was done for today.

"You know I need to perfect this, Matteo!" She told him once she landed on her feet, "I cannot be the reason we lose our unbeaten championship, alright?"

"Love, stop." She ignored him, so he chased after her, increasing his speed once she started doing the same, "Luna, please!"

Paying him no attention, she concentrated on her speed, waiting for her body's signal to tell her she could perform the somersault without landing on her butt. It was, however, cut short when Matteo finally reached her; stopping her by grabbing her waist. They stumbled for a second, thanks to the lost balance on her part. Matteo put enough pressure on her waist to stop her from falling (not enough to hurt her, though) and waited until she was stable enough to drop his arms.

Luna wasn't one bit amused, "what the hell, Matteo? I'm practicing!" She tried to flee away, but her boyfriend was quick to stop her from doing so.

"No , you're done." His tone was a little harsh, his patience running thin, "I need to get us both home, our team needs us at our best. Wasting your energy the night before is just ridiculous."

They stared at each-other for a minute, matching frowns on their faces, lips pressed in a thin line, until she finally responded with, "I am going to keep on practicing, because our team needs me to. You can go home if you want; I can call my dad to send Tino over to pick me up."

"I'm not fighting with you on this, Luna," taking one step backwards, she opened her mouth to retort, but he didn't let her, "So I'm either going to knock you out or kiss you to shut you up and agree to leave with me. I'm giving you the option to choose which." He tried to pass his warning as teasing, but the underlying seriousness was there.

She stood silent, taking in the expression on his face, finally noticing the tint of worry in his eyes, his clenched jaw and deep frown. Deep down, she knew she was crossing a line of self-demand she hadn't before, and yes, maybe she was overreacting.

Ámbar's words kept replaying in her mind; about how incredibly dependent they were on her to pass the round and how much she absolutely needed to master to perfection the required move, or else they'd be out of the competition.

Looking now at her boyfriend's eyes, her words were finally muted. She'd already perfection it, and all she was doing now was worrying the last person she wanted to. Luna made her choice.

Closing the distance between them, standing on the brakes of her stakes, she pressed her lips on his. Almost immediately, Matteo brought his hands to her cheeks, tilting his head just a little. Before he could even think of moving his lips, she stepped away.

"I'm sorry, chico fresa," he blinked a couple times, surprised she ended their kiss so quickly, "last minute jitters, I guess. I'm really, really sorry, though."

When he finally seemed to function again, he laughed, "you're going to kill me one day, chica delivery." She laughed too, but stumbled again when he started pushing them towards the locker-room. "Now, c'mon. Gotta take you home now, before your dad kills me."

Luna stopped him for a second, "hey, Matteo?" She called, making him look back at her, "thank you."

Her boyfriend winked at her, "anytime, chica delivery. Anytime."

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