Chapter 3

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As we arrive at the crime scene I saw Korsak and Frankie standing around talking to the uniform's. We got out of the car and Maura immediately headed for the body. As usual the boys came and meet me at the car, Frankie began to explain, "Alyssa Sutton, 27 lives in an apartment in the city." Korsak but in "Large calibre gunshot wound to chest, didn't stand a chance. We have uniforms canvasing, in a popular place like this hopefully someone saw something that can help." "Alright thanks Korsak" I headed over to Maura to inspect the body for myself. "Hey Maur you got an estimate for time of death?" "Well" She began "I won't be 100% sure till I get her back to the lab." "An estimate Maura that's all I need!" she groaned "Approximately between 5am and 6am this morning, lividity indicate she died here and hasn't been moved." I instantly thought it was a bit odd, "How is it that no one found the body before now, it's nearly 10am Maura doesn't that strike you as odd." "Well I can't make assumptions" I just groaned and walked away.

Maura's POV

"Take her back to the morgue and I will meet you there" I yelled as I went after Jane. When I caught up to her I asked "What's wrong Jane?" She just turned and looked at me "You frustrate the hell out of me!" She said barely above a whisper. I bowed my head "I'm sorry." I could feel her eyes never leave me. She just embraced me in a hug, "Let's go get coffee and go back to HQ" "Ok" I replied in a soft tone. I think she was just feeling guilty because she made me feel uncomfortable. She just knows everything I'm feeling without me needing to say a word. It's like she can read my mind, although I know that's impossible it still feels like that's what she's doing. We got in the car and I just stared out the window. I could feel her eyes look at me then the road then back at me. "Look Maura I'm sorry about before I was just annoyed and I'm tired, I didn't mean it." I just sat there unsure of what to say back. After an awkward silence I responded "it's ok I understand." The rest of the ride was silent. When we got back to HQ I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. I just wanted to avoid the awkwardness. I headed in to the elevator and messaged Jane. 'Gone down to start autopsy will text you with the results.' As fast as I sent the message I got a response. 'Thanks Maur I hope you know I am genuinely sorry.' 'I know' I replied. The elevator door open and Kent is standing in front of me. He began to speak to me as soon as he made eye contact. "I began cataloguing all the personal items and the body is ready for you to begin when you're ready." "Ok I will get changed and then I will begin." I headed to my office and got a pair of black scrubs and got changed. I then proceeded to begin the autopsy. 

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