A (not so) Heroic (not so) Rescue

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~10 June 1843~

"Why did that take you so long, Lillian?" He asks when I get back.

"Where is my son?" I ask. "Can I see him?"

"As soon as you left my man brought him back. His aunt is going to find him upset, but not harmed."

I narrow my eyes.

"Lillian, you're going to have to trust me on this. He is fine."

I sigh. There isn't much I can do.

"Now, why did that take so long?"

"I...I was looking at a file. On Rick's desk."

His eyes light up.

"What file?"

"His waste disposal files."

Dalgliesh's face scrunches in confusion.

"Waste disposal?"

I smile.

I haven't been able to stop smiling since then. It's been about two hours since I got back, and I've been sitting in a chair in front of Dalgliesh's desk while he works.

Rick loves me. He actually does love me. That's the only thing I can think of. I wonder a little bit about what happened to those poor men, but nothing stays on my mind for long until 'Rick loves me' pops in again.

I sigh happily and lean back in the chair. The only thing that would make me happier would be if I was with Rick instead of Dalgliesh, but soon I will be.

A guard bursts into the room.

"Sir, we've got a code red." Dalgliesh jumps up from behind his desk and grabs my arm, pulling me towards one of his secret halls.

"Sir, that entrance is out of use," the guard says hurriedly. "You commissioned it to be expanded last week."

Dalgliesh curses under his breath and pushes me out the main door.

"What is-"

"Quiet!" He hisses.

We run up the main staircase when I hear Rick yelling.


"RICK!" I yell, I try to break away from his grip, but Dalgliesh is too strong. "RICK, I'M UP-" a hand clamps over my mouth, and I struggle to get away. He wraps an arm around me and half carries, half drags me up the remaining stairs with the assistance of the guard. 

I see the top of Rick's head as he runs up the stairs.

I try to bite Dalgliesh's hand, but something hits me in the back of the head, and I just have time for us to notice him drag me through a different secret passage, of which he has plenty, before I black out.


I wake up back in my bed at home. I look around in confusion.

Did Rick manage to rescue me? Is he here? Where are my kids? There's a suspicious lack of noise in the house, which means my children aren't here, and there's none of my husbands special silence, so he's not here either. This is...empty silence.

I try to sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed to get up, but I can't move.

Realizing my hands are tied to the bed frame, I shake them to see if I can loosen the knot. It doesn't budge.

"HELLO?" I shout. No one answers. I struggle to get out of these bonds, but they're expertly tied. I'm stuck.

After a few moments I hear the front door open and close, and footsteps come up the stairs. I close my eyes and pretend I'm asleep. I think I know to whom they belong.

The door to the bedroom opens and Dalgliesh walks through.

"Lillian, open your eyes. I know you're awake."

Instead of doing what he asks, I keep them shut.

"Lillian." He sounds frustrated and I do my best not to smile. A few seconds later, something cold and wet is poured all over me and my eyes fly open as I spit water out my mouth. He threw a bucket of water on me.

"What was that for?"

"I told you to get up."

"How'd you know?"

"You snore when you sleep." He shrugs. I try to set him on fire with a glare, but he takes no notice.

"If I let you free will you promise to listen to me?" Dalgliesh asks, sitting away from me on the corner of the bed.

"Yeah, sure."

"Lillian, this is a serious matter. The time for games is over. I was almost caught yesterday. We need to step up our game. I will get that fortune." He declares, leaning forward to undo the knots. "I need you to write me one more letter."


Hey guys, here's my next update!! Things are getting serious now, and it's almost the end.   :( thank you all for the support and love you've shown me. I love you guys <3 


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