Salam Alikum guys and Ramadan Kareem.
~*Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair~* Khalil Gibran
The groom and his bride departed from the valley right as more wolves commenced to converse with the night. Faris knew better than to stay there and hearken to the complaints the ravenous wolves had. He gritted his teeth as he took note of the knight that followed close by, he would have, by Allah, killed the man if it were not for the sake of peace between the tribes. No man on the face of earth trailed him and lived to tell the tale. Fatigue a while ago asked his heart to unbolt its rusty door so that it could flow in his form. He inhaled and cranked his neck from side-to-side then cleared his throat.
Faris slowed his pace when he perceived that Raghad followed a few foot behind. He knew the Rashideen was knackered which caused their trip to delay further. The Knight ran his fingers over his face and shook his head. In a blink of an eye, he halted and pulled on the reins of their camel, furious at his unfathomable actions. The camel gently followed his command and kneeled. With Tufan's reins still in his left hand, he turned to face his spouse with grim eyes. "Mount."
Faris observed as Raghad looked at the camel then at him and raised her brow questioningly. His sharp eagle-like eyes took note of the shawl that still did not conceal her throat respectfully, here he clenched his jaw. "Pardon?"
"Lately I have perceived that you do not hear well. Bint-ash-Sheikh, you have caused a great delay in this journey, if you do not mount now we shall never reach your beloved tribe." He growled and turned his back on her. Faris shook his head when he heard a mocking sigh leave her lips. A moment later he felt Raghad's form appear alongside him. He watched from the corner of his eye as his spouse gaped at the camel unsure how to mount without aid.
Slowly, but gradually she lifted her gown so that her feet were visible. Faris watched intently as Raghad inhaled then took a step towards the camel. He waited for a while as the bride hesitated in mounting the camel. The knight clamped his sharp teeth on his bottom lip, looked to his left to the endless desert then to his right towards his woman. With a sigh, he let go of Tufan's reins, rotated to face Raghad and his eyes clashed with her confused ones.
"Wallahi you are nothing but a hurdle." With those words, he moved his hands in such a speed that Raghad was not provided an opportunity to comprehend what had just occurred. One moment he stared at her in exasperation the other his warm, bulky hands held her tiny waist and lifted her up in the air as if she weighed less than a lamb.
Raghad shrieked when she felt her feet leave the sand and come face-to-face with him, with her unwanted spouse, Faris. Her eyes grew bigger as she gawked at him in downright bewilderment. She was aware of the hands that held her waist, was aware of the warmth that seeped through her gown and caused a tremble to caress her spine. Raghad blinked and a shaky breath wheezed passed her lips.
That instant for the first time in their marital life Raghad looked into his eyes. It was then she truly paid heed to the richness that entangled his arises. Her hazel eyes followed those sharp ones that resembled shards of broken glass. Those dark eyes were so intensely cold that she shivered involuntarily. Then she took note of how very gloomy his eyes were, they were so dark that they echoed the sky on a moonless night, yet something in them gleamed with such an intensity Raghad felt her skin tingle every time he blinked. It was almost as if the moon, that blushing moon had bathed them in her enchanting cloak.
Raghad hissed as Faris tightened his hold on her form. That was when the wind picked up its speed and twirled in utter delight. Upon witnessing the wind's behavior the sky grew sheepish and ordered the crescent to lower her gaze. However, the crescent denied and shimmered further for she was joyous beyond the bond of possibility. The stars upon observing the crescent glow, unfurled their wings in a melody only they could comprehend, but somehow it sounded so much like the beats that clashed against Raghad's heart.
Without uttering a word, Faris Al Fursan lifted her higher then slowly, extremely gently sat her down on the saddle with both feet on one side. He took note of how blood kindled her cheeks and the way her wide eyes gawked at him. Something inside him, inside that beast that always demanded he locked his heart urged him to beam, to smile. However, the Knight of Knights looked away with a frown between his brows.
Raghad brought her wounded to her bosom and swallowed. She took a deep breath to soothe the blood that hummed in her veins. The quiet crickets in her heart raised their head and commenced to chirp wildly as if unleashed from their chain. She looked up at the tall man who stole her of her breath then bit the inside of her cheek suddenly incensed. Why on earth would he commit that? He could have aided her in another manner. Irked she faced ahead, lifted her jalabiya then threw her leg to the other side of the saddle oblivious of the amused, eagle-like eyes that watched.
Faris took hold of the camel's rein and goaded it to stand. Once ready, he did not glance over his shoulder to see if his bride was set the groom started to trek leaving Tufan behind. Muddled Raghad looked at the horse they passed then at the master wondering why on earth would he leave his loyal horse behind. To her surprise, they were a good few feet away from Tufan a whistle was blown and the beast followed his master closely.
Minutes transformed into hours as they made their way towards the Rashideen tribe. Raghad recalled how her face had molded into something of fear then contentment and halted at downright joy when Faris had disclosed her of the Knight that shadowed them on Badr's orders. This made her certain that Badr had never abandoned her, not even for a mere second. He had his men guard her even amongst their sworn enemy.
Fajr was approaching and both Faris and his woman were exhausted. After a little while, something from a distance came in view and here he sighed. Soon when the boundary of the tribe was a few feet away, Faris urged the camel to kneel and Raghad dismounted and encircled her shawl around her head leaving her face bare. Faris lifted a brow at her but did not pronounce a word. With that, they made their way to the tribe and as soon as they traversed the trees that stood as a wall for the tribe the call to prayer was heard.
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.
Faris lifted his head to see a man at the top of a very high palm tree give the call to prayer for the Fajr salah. At this, he smiled and took another step. He caught hold of the camel reins and turned towards the masjid since he was well aware of the routes of this tribe.
"Where are you taking us?"
"Why?" At this, he did not respond and kept leading.
Raghad glared at him then she took in her tribe and at once everything felt as if she was in a river that was gushing with such a speed she could not find a way to flee. A grim memory unlatched its door for her as she recalled the day the Borkans with their thundering horses invaded her tribe and erupted destruction. Raghad could not breathe, she slowed her pace as her lungs threatened to give up. She did not know how on earth would she confront her father. Raghad could not understand what would be her first words when she would meet her beloved mother or her brother, Salem.
Her eyes trailed to Faris, the prime cause of her doom and water burned her eyes. She glared at the shoulders that moved as he walked fearlessly in her tribe. Somehow his strength and courage made him appear like a lion ready to carve his name on another territory. Raghad clenched her teeth and looked away feeling her throat ignite like she had swallowed down a handful of sand. Her watery eyes landed on something which caused her to halt and stare. The bride waited just for a few seconds when brown eyes landed on her they widened a little then a smile graced the individual's lips.
Raghad took a step forward and watched as Badr, her Knight, her armor came towards her with uncountable feelings in those eyes it made night shine brighter. Raghad passed Faris, her spouse, then without giving it further thought, she broke into a sprint uncaring of the world that witnessed. The wind of the Rashideen tribe grinned as they observed Raghad run towards her brother with tears rushing down her face. It whispered glad tidings as the space between the brother and his sister shrank to a few feet.
Raghad noticed how her brother stopped and waited for her to approach him. She without heeding about the world that had woken up to perform Fajr salah or the man who watched them with narrowed dark eyes ran into the secure arms of her sibling, her cherished haven, Badr.
Hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry about the mistakes its Ramadan and am a bit lazy.

Prince of Knights (An Arabic Love Story)✓
SpiritualWinner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Historical Fiction. Winner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Spiritual Category. Winner of Best Muslim Readers' Choice Awards: Prince of Knights _____________ Arabs are well known for their culture, Po...