Prince of Knights Chp2

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Salam and Hello there readers thank you for all the votes. Insha'Allah you guys will like this chapter.


~*~* Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.~*~* Khalil Gibran

"No, father, no ya Sheikh my brother cannot die," screamed Khalid and dismounted his horse. He grasped Salem's shoulders, who looked up at him with teary, despaired eyes.

"Do not interfere, Khalid. My decision has been made. Salem will earn what he deserves." Sheikh Faisal growled his eyes on Khalid who leaped to his feet and glared at the 'Borkans'.

"If you kill him, do you believe this will end here? I will kill you all, by Allah I will." he roared, looking at all of them.

Then spoke a voice, so serene yet so vicious it raised terror in the hearts of the beholders. "Do you believe we shall hold back while you swing your sword?" Raghad moved her gaze from Khalid towards the voice, and her eyes slightly went wide as they stared at the man on Sheikh Mubarak's right. Who had spoken for the first time, giving Raghad an opportunity to notice him?

The man who had enunciated was prepossessing, even more than her brother, Badr. His hair that touched the nape of his neck was vaguely curly. The dark eyes glared at Khalid in such a fierce way Raghad felt terrified. His light beard was exactly the same, black like his hair and exceptionally the beard brought Noor to his handsome face. He was tall, she could tell, but not as broad as the other man. Her eyes then fell on his black sheath, which hung from his right side.

His white horse caught her eye right away; its glossy tail touched dirt and shone under the sun. Realization hit her like a storm that she had been staring at the man for more than few seconds. At once she averted her gaze and looked at her father, who rested his hand on Khalid's shoulder.

"Let this be my son." He rebuked in a gentle yet firm voice. Khalid began to object that was when a man appeared from Badr's side.

A brick dropped in Raghad's belly at the sight of Abu Isa. The muttawa', oldest and wisest man of her tribe. He walked forward slowly and the crowd parted like red sea for him. His back hunched and hands tight on his cane. Abu Isa had a long beard that touched his collarbone, and humane, sage eyes. Those eyes looked at Sheikh Mubarak in sheer accusation.

A silence so acute unrolled around them, even Salem ceased his sobs to raise his head and look at Abu Isa. Khalid strode to grab his hand and support the old man, but Abu Isa held his hand up which halted Khalid in his track. Abu Isa then gazed at Sheikh Mubarak who stared back at him, to Raghad's astonishment in great veneration.

"I was there when Majid killed Saif. I also witnessed the blood bath after that my child. I was among those who decided this treaty between the "Borkans" and 'Al Rashideens" Years, thirty years and yet history is to repeat itself. Do not forget Mubarak, your father slaughtered my Sheikh yet we proclaimed treaty." Abu Isa coughed.

Then with a trembling hand he raised his cane just few inches from earth. "In my life time I shall not grant this collision again. If we can pardon a death of a Sheikh I believe you, Mubarak, can overlook a death of a man. Think my child, this is another war, and a war that I believe will be the destruction of both tribes." Abu Isa stated in a loud voice which was startling for his age.

"Allah yekhaleek , Bu Isa, but this has already been decided." Sheikh Faisal vocalized.

"This is the only possible solution that this matter can be resolved." The big man sneered, indignant. All this time Raghad took note of how Abu Isa looked at Sheikh Mubarak, who seemed lost in his thoughts, or communicated inaudibly with the old man. Raghad only cared that there shall not be another war, no bloodshed. If what Abu Isa said was indeed true her tribe will perish, the mere thought clung in her brain.

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