Prince of Knights Chp45

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Before starting the chapter I would like to say. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS! My God, I read your comments, personal messages, messages on my board I read EVERY single comment and let me tell you this I have never felt this happy and proud to have such amazing fans.

Seeing the amazing, heartwarming comments I received from you guys I don't think I would ever stop writing. I don't know how much should I thank you guys for standing up for me like shields.

P.S.: PLEASE have an open mind while reading this particular chapter. This chapter will turn things around, my main point is to show what a man does once stuff like this happens. When I wrote the book this was what I had based it on. So yeah.




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~*Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror~* Khalil Gibran

Raghad wore the scarf her spouse, Faris had once bought for her. In the morning when she was about to depart from their chamber wearing it the knight who was busy wearing his headdress turned to look at her and hoisted an eyebrow. When blood had tingled her cheeks, she merely shrugged her shoulders and walked out. If someone were to ask the wind, it would say that the bride was no longer in despair. It knew that her heart did not bleed the way it did before.

"Shouq where must I put this?" Raghad questioned holding up a small crate. The women in Sheikh Mubarak's house commenced tidying the house since Eid was around the corner. The first chamber they started was Nasser's room.

"Nasser always keeps it by the wooden window," Shouq called over her shoulder and resumed folding her sibling's robes in a trunk.

As soon as Raghad placed the crate by the window, there was a knock on the door. Raghad, Shouq, and Batool turned to look at the individual by the door. Batool let go of her task and sauntered up to her sibling and enveloped her arms around Faris. "I am exhausted." She complained.

Raghad observed as Faris tenderly ran his hand over her head, "I know but you would not want to leave Shouq alone would you?"

"Your spouse will aid Shouq." Batool rested her head on Faris's chest.

Upon this, Faris lifted his gaze just for a few seconds. "Ah, you see, Batool my spouse cannot aid Shouq for she must leave for another task."

Batool pulled back from him, and Raghad watched as her eyes narrowed. Indeed, she was coddled by Faris to a great extent. "Where to may I ask?"

Faris shook his head with a smile. "Go help your sister." Before departing, he glanced at Raghad for the last time, and she nodded. That was it, no words no gestures, and she understood that he meant for her to follow him since his eyes spoke volumes.

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