Prince of Knights Chp13

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At last I found a girl who resembles the Raghad that I imagine!! Pic of Raghad on the side>> And I apologize for the mistakes :)



Eyes aren't made just for sight,
There are eyes that speak, and eyes that cry,
And eyes that love and eyes that wonder without a goal.

– Nizar Qabbani

Prince of knights, Faris brought his raw, bloody fingers to his mouth then blew a harsh whistle. Once Tufan stood alongside him, he wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his left hand. He mounted the beast and led his men towards the tribe he loathed the most. Towards the tribe where his intolerable, undesired bride resided. By Allah he had never felt infuriation riding Tufan but with the ghastly gash on his arm and the blood that swathe his hand like a vicious serpent caused him to frown as the beast trotted.

Time elapsed, his men followed him without a word pronounced from their chapped lips. Shortly the entrancing tribe came in view. The knight growled when his cold gaze landed on the blood that had smeared Tufan's white fur. He was revolted with himself, indeed many wounds marred his body but this wound was dissimilar, to make it more unendurable he was to be aided in his enemie's tribe.

Ya Allah!

When the knights crossed the boundaries of Al Rashideen, tribesmen and women halted their toil and gaped at the knights, terror-stricken of the blood. A memory displayed before his eyes, memory of the day he had come to strike this very tribe. Faris had never envisioned that he would ride to get aid from the Rashideens. They came to a standstill in the middle of the tribe where he had once seen Raghad sprint up to her father. Faris clenched his jaw, searched around then promptly saw a familiar figure dash towards them.


"Allahu Akbar!" the man hissed,"Ya Faris what has happened?" Khalid demanded, his eyes on Faris's knights.

"I shall elucidate later, my men are maimed they are in great need to be nursed," Faris spoke in a bitter voice, his heart compressed when he verbalized those words. Oh, how it kindled his pride to be present on this land.

Without delay Khalid barked his instructions and things occurred. "Come with me ya Faris," Khalid gestured for 'Faris al Fursan' to accompany him.

Faris dismounted Tufan, handed the reins of his beast to a young man he had seen before and followed Khalid. Every sound clang in his brain, the tiny pebble rocks that his blood stained sandals crunched brought forth a deadly glare on his handsome face. He was vexed, the men that passed stared with wide perplexed eyes which caused him to exhale sharply.

Verily he was Raghad's spouse but for the tribesmen he was Faris, the notorious knight. The fiend that glared death in the eyes. A deep, ominous scowl materialized on his face when Khalid came to a stop by a small tent and assured for him to proceed.

Faris stood there for a few seconds, his senses drowned in the ocean of wrath while his heart clashed with the waves of mortification. After a moment he cleared his throat, pushed aside the flap, bend low to pass and stepped in. "As salamu Alaikum Ummi, you must help us," Khalid announced.

The knight's unfathomable eyes narrowed as Umm Badr looked at Faris then gasped at the wound. "Ya waladi," Instantly she placed the needle and thread on the carpet, "Come, come here," and gestured for Faris. He was unsettled by her reaction.

Faris gradually ambled, slowly lowered his form then sat on his heels and eyed as Umm Badr commenced to aid his wound. The way her experienced fingers moved he knew Umm Badr was indeed a tabiba. His whole physique remained straight, frigid . His pride did not permit him to slouch and pacify his berserk nerves. The wound stung but he did not hiss simply clenched his jaw to endure the vigorous torment.

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