Chapter 2: Drowning

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Peter looked down at the sword in his hand.

"You're worried about her." It was Edmund he had been watching Peter since they left the treasure room.

"Course not she's capable of taking care of herself!" He responded sheathing Ella's sword once more.

"Why can't you be honest with yourself for once it's not as though she's here to hear you you know." Edmund was staring at his brother with a frown. "You act like you don't even care anymore. Yet I know you do."

"Fine I'm worried about her alright?" Snapped Peter "but I can't exactly do much about that now can I?"

"No." Stated Edmund "but it's good to hear you say it." His brother scowled at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Grumbled Peter. He really didn't need Edmund harping on him right now.

"Well it's just back before when we were at the station you acted like you didn't care for her, even though she was injured. I'm pretty sure Ella was wondering if you did too."

"Shut up." Said Peter shoving some firewood into his brothers arms. Peters thoughts flitted back to their previous arguments and his guilt grew even more.

"So it does bother yo-"

"Ed I swear if you keep talking I'll-"

"Oh my god stop!" Susan took off across the sand as did Lucy.

"What on earth?" But then seeing Susan draw her bow and aim at something the boys drew their swords and quickly ran to catch up. A boat was floating in the middle of the river with two men.

The two soldiers were holding a dwarf and another figure in their arms about to throw them into the river. Susan shot at them just as the first one was dropped back into the boat and they moved to throw the dwarf overboard.

"Drop him!" Yelled Susan. They could just hear the dwarves muffled "Drop him?!" Before the soldiers tossed him in too. Quick as lightning the boys ran down the beach towards the water. They dove in and within a minute were pulling him up onto land where Lucy quickly cut his bonds. The minute the dwarf stopped spitting up water he glared at Susan.

"Drop him?" He demanded "that's the best you can come up with?"

Susan looked taken aback as well as annoyed "A simple thank you would have sufficed!"

"They were doing fine drowning us without your help!" Sneered the dwarf.

"Us?" Asked Lucy confused.

"Yeah-wait don't tell me you didn't-oh no!" The dwarf turned round fast just as the boat struck a rock and capsized through remained afloat. "No!" Before the others even the dwarf knew what was going on Edmund had dove back into the water and was striking out for the boat.

"What the hell! Ed!" Peter quickly followed.

"What's going on?" Demanded Susan. But Edmund had seen it as the boat flipped. Which is why he ignored the boat and dove down deep into the water. The others, excluding the dwarfs, mouths dropped as Edmund surfaced holding in his arms the body of a person, not a person but a human girl bound and gagged like the dwarf had been but in her case unconcious.

"What-" but as Peter looked her over his heart sank it was not Ella "you got her?" He asked Edmund nodded.

"You get the boat!" He told his older brother and quickly set out back for shore. He had to swim on his back so that he could hold her up on his chest keeping her head above to stop her from breathing in anymore water and so it took him slightly longer to get back.

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