Chapter 4: Let's Play a Game

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Author's Notes:

Valerie's scary when she wants to be.
We gonna take a break from Vlad and Danny for a bit and focus on these goofballs XD
Again, sorry if it seems short but ya know, shit happens.

One second Danny was thinking of Sam's video game room, the next two sounds happened in rapid succession. One was a scream, next Bam! Danny narrowly dodged the ecto bullet that had been aimed for his head.

"Babe relax it's Danny!" Danielle shouted.

"Aw shit! Sorry Danny!" Valerie apologized, putting her ecto pistol back in the hidden pocket of her backpack.

Danny looked around and saw that he was in Sam's game room, with Dani, Valerie, Tucker and Sam staring at him. There was popcorn all over the floor from where Tucker had jumped at Danny's sudden entrance and a paused Doom game.

"Man I gotta practice my teleporting," Danny muttered before speaking oud enough for the others to hear. "So uh, I guess Valerie will be joining us."

Valerie ignored what he had said and instead yelled "Man where the hell were you? My girlfriend has been getting her panties in a twist because you haven't been answering your phone. Then you show up late and you pop in here scaring the crap out of everyone! Looking like you just finished making out or knocking out!"

Dani and Valerie had been dating for almost a year now. Everybody found out about when they had found them kissing under a mistletoe last Christmas, although the girls' chemistry had been obvious long before then. Danny was very happy with the twos' relationship for two main reasons. One, Danielle was like a sister to him, and he wanted her to be happy. Two, Valerie was very protective, doesn't take shit from anyone and knows how to put people in their place.

Danny flushed green, half in embarrassment, half in anger. "I was fighting Skulker! I was flying to c- meet up with you guys and the metal jerkinator blasts me out of the sky with a net! Not just any net, this one fucking electrocutes me before slamming me to the ground! We fight and I can his ass! Have I left anything else out!?" Danny argued 'Besides the obvious' he thought.

"Dude chill," Tucker said playing peace maker. "Are you okay?"

Danny closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again and grinning wearily. "Yeah, the specter slicer did the trick." Danny said and pulled out the knife twirling it in his hands.

Tucker's eyes widened and he practically jumped with joy "Really!? Oh that's awesome! I worked hard on that one!"

"Yeah, but you might want to amplify the electrical current, it shorted out after I used it to cut open the net." He explained handing the blade to the other who seemed to cradle it for a moment before putting it on his back pocket.

"Okay, I'll work on that later." Tucker chirped happily.

"But Tucker? Not so much that it shocks me okay?"

Tucker winced "Ouch dude."

His first prototype of the specter slicer had electrocuted Danny twelve times the first day the first day he had used it.

"I'll help you with that later." Sam told the techno geek.

Danny looked at the two, grinning mischievously. "Just make sure that you guys spend some time actually working on that and not just making out."

"Danny!" Both of them yelled simultaneously, blushing a bit. Danny laughed along with Dani and Valerie

Sam and Tucker had been together for over two years. They had started dating about a year after Danny and Sam had broken up and the halfa couldn't be happier for the two. They made an amazing couple especially when you consider the fact that Sam was a strong minded, recycling, gothic ultro recyclo vegetarian and Tucker was a carnivorous, nerdy techno geek. But they made it work. Tucker was even a vegetarian for a week for Sam. The experience had not been kind to his cast iron stomach.

"Danny, are you sure you're okay?" Dani asked calming down from her giggle fit.

"Yeah just a little shocked that Skulker was able to get the drop on me." He replied

That earned a collective groan from the group that was almost deafening. Danny's face broke out into a broad smile.

"That...was bad. Even by your standards, THAT was bad." Valerie said facepalming.

"I know, but you guys love me anyway."

"Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, you look like a mess." Sam said shooing him towards the door.

Danny grinned and opened his mouth to say something when Sam interrupted him "And if you say a hot mess I will not hesitate to throw my combat boot at your head."

Danny closed his mouth and pouted, remembering what it was like to be on the receiving end of one of Sam's throws. "Tuckeeer!" he whined "Make your girlfriend stop being mean to me!"

"Dude I agree with her, arguing with her is deadly and futile." Tucker said smiling.

"Dani? You'll back me up right?" Danny pleaded. Dani held her hands up in a 'don't look at me' gesture. He then turned to Valerie giving his best puppy dog eyes.

"Man, no one is gonna back you up, go drag your ass to the bathroom before I take aim again – ow." Valerie rubbed her arm where Danielle had playfully punched her and mock pouted. "Baaabe that hurt."

"Then don't threaten my brother." She said crossing her arms, eyes flashing green, an effect that was totally ruined by her smiling and trying not to laugh.

"Ah! Not the scary eyes!" Val said holding her hands up to shield herself in fake terror.

"Ew. Okay, I'm leaving," Danny said walking out of the room. He paused at the doorway. "Now, if you excuse me. Mr. Smoking hot mess will be in the bathroom." He laughed as he turned intangible to avoid getting hit by Sam's boot and flew down the hall to the bathroom phasing through its door. He turned tangible again and gaped when he looked at himself in the mirror.

'Okay, hot: yes, smoking: check, mess: hell yeah.'

His hair looked as if he had gone dancing on electricity wires. His clothes were muddy, scuffed and in some places ripped. There was a cut on his right cheek right under his eye and a gash on his right shoulder which thankfully none of the others had noticed. On the bright side, the cheek cut didn't look like it would scar.

'Yay optimism'

He got his hands wet and ran them through his hair, leaving it damp but no longer like a sizzling ferret before retying it. He scrubbed the mud and dirt off his jumpsuit and coat, well what he could anyway. He opened a drawer under the sink and pulled out a first aid kit. He then turned human and took off his shirt to deal with the shoulder gash. It was a good five inches, luckily not as deep as some of the wounds he's had to deal with. Danny opened the first add kit and pulled out of alcohol and a handful of cotton balls. He dabbed the fluffy thing in the alcohol; or as Danny like to call it, the bottle of pain.

"This is gonna hurt." He stated the obvious before passing the alcohol soaked fluff over the wound.


"Danny language please! There is a Tucker present!" Danielle called from the room.

"Son of a bitch!" Danny yelled "Do you see me caring?! No! Son! Of! A! Biiiiiiitttcch!"

There was a pause followed by loud boisterous laughter. Danny smiled and shook his head letting out a short laugh of his own.

He finished cleaning the wound, put a couple of bandages of it, got his shirt on and looked himself over in the mirror. "Hm, not bad." He said pleased. His clothes were still a little scruffed but if you didn't know better you would think he had tripped. He exited the bathroom and went back to the game room and found that Dani, Sam, Valerie and Tucker had resumed the game.

"Danny if that's how you get cleaning a cut on your face what the hell did you yell when Skulker electrocuted you?" Valerie laughed.

Danny accepted a controller from Sam and flopped down on the sofa. "Well actually when he shocked me I wasn't able to form a single coherent word with the amount of pain and adrenaline coursing through me."

He looked at the shell shocked expressions of his friends and rubbed the back of his neck chuckling awkwardly. "Ahaha... to dark?"

"Uh yeah." Sam deadpanned.

"Anyway," Dani said stretching the word to comical length. "Let's play some Doom!!"

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