Chapter 47: Did I Mess Up Again?

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Author's Notes:

Pfft I am going nuts with this damn thing.
May I present Danny in braids
Yeah, it's official, I'm bored as fuck. XD
I still say that you cheated." Danny said for about the millionth time during the fly home.

"Oh please, if you really thought that you wouldn't have let me do the braids, and just be glad that the others stayed at Sam's house." Dani replied with a laugh.

"If Dash, Technus or Skulker see me like this I'll fill your room with snow. And not in a fun 'yay snow' kind of way, no I'll do it in a 'fuck it'll take me hours to clean this' kind of way."

"Seems fair, but couldn't you just go invisible if you see them?"

"...My brain is broken today. I blame it on the fact that I have math homework." He said after a beat.

"Isn't your brain always broken?"

"Ouch." The older teen laughed but he didn't argue with the statement, choosing instead to close his eyes and 'glide' rather than flying, trying to savor to feeling of being so high up. He laughed again and did a flip in the air, feeling positively giddy.

The two halfas arrived at the Fenton Works right on time for dinner and took their seats at the table, turning human. Their mother took one look at Danny, tried not to laugh and succeeded/failed.

"Um did you lose a bet to Dani again?" she asked, setting the plates of food (meatloaf and mashed potatoes) in front of them.

"What do you mean?" the male halfa asked as if he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Hey where's dad?" Dani asked

"Still in the lab," Maddie sighed. "He insists that the portal needs to be updated, he wants to add a feature that would make the filter clean itself out."

"It's a good idea when you think about it. Was there anyone waiting for us?" the older teen asked.

"Not that I know of." Their mom replied.

"Oh." He started eating.

"He wasn't sure if he was happy or sad about the news. On one hand, that meant that there was no one to see him with his dumb (in his opinion) hairstyle. On the other hand he hadn't seen Johnny, Shadow or Kitty in forever. He could understand Johnny not wanting to see him; he had been pretty pissed after all but Kitty? That one had taken him by surprise, especially since she had been the one playing peace maker and apologizing for her boyfriend's words. Sure, Danny was angry with the motorcyclist, especially after hearing about how he had been spreading rumors but he couldn't deny the fact that he missed his friend. In fact if Johnny suddenly appeared in front of him he was fairly sure that he would go back to acting like friends with the ghost; after slapping the shit outta him for leaving for so long of course.

"I wonder where Johnny and Kitty are, we haven't seen them in a while. I hope everything is okay." His sister said as if she was reading his thoughts.

"I'm sure they're fine, if anything was wrong Ember would have said something. They have their own lives too you know." The male halfa said.

"Yeah, you're right." She replied with a trace of sadness in her voice that sent arrows of guilt through his heart.

'Johnny you jerk, you can be angry and hate me all you want but at least come over for Dani.' He thought as he continued to eat,

When he was done he retreated into his room and started his homework assignments. There were three in total: One was the dreaded math homework, another was a history work; the teacher had written a list of things relating to medieval times and the task was to separate the truths from the stereotypes. The final one was to look up a shitload of definitions of words that have to do with poems not to mention put them in alphabetical order, courtesy of Mr. Lancer's class.

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