The Animal Clinic

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Chapter 5

Leaving the school was such a rush. Life was getting very complicated at the moment. Everything between me and Liam, me and Malia, my job, the pack, everything. What was happening to me?

I strolled down the pavement and round the corner, I thought it was best if I walked to The Animal Clinic as I could use the fresh air. Everything that was going on was just suffocating.

The air was still, not like last night, which was weird as I could see the Northern Lights in the sky. I had not seen a single Ghost Rider since I had arrived but I suppose that's a good thing because otherwise I would be taken.

Getting closer and closer to The Animal Clinic, all of a sudden I had a feeling there was someone following me. Almost like I could feel someone elses presence. It was weird. I lifted my nose up in the air and looked for a scent but for some reason there wasn't any. I quickly looked in all directions, before stepping inside The Animal Clinic.

Looking around in The Animal Clinic, I realised it had changed a lot since I had last been there. Deaton had changed all the shelves, he had new medicine and had given the rooms a good paint, which it well needed. I was impressed. I am afraid to admit it but Deaton had impressed me.

Just then, I caught a scent, it was faint but it was there. As I searched around the clinic, I realised the scent was familiar, very familiar. Almost like it was my scent.

As I got closer and closer, all of a sudden I heard a voice right behind me...

"What are you doing here?" the voice asked.

As I swivelled around, I saw it was Malia.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated.

"I followed you. What are you doing here?" Malia asked.

"Deaton is a friend. I came to see him," I stated.

"How do you know him?" Malia asked.

"Wait. Just stop. The last time you did this to me, I had a melt down, just stop!" I yelled.

"Look, I am here because at first I wanted to apologize to you but then I followed you because I was curious about what someone new like you would have to do, especially considering Lydia and Liam told me you were on a tour and there are no tours here. I would know because I tried once before," Malia explained.

"So what do you want from me?" I asked.

"I want the truth, about everything," Malia demanded.

"What makes you think I haven't told you the truth?" I asked.

"I can feel it. Ever since I met you, I always felt like you were never telling me the truth. Your heart was steady and you can fool a lot of people but you can't fool me no matter how good you are at lying," Malia explained.

"What exactly do you want me to tell you?" I asked.

"I want to know the real reason why you came to Beacon​ Hills," Malia said.

"Fine, the real reason I came to Beacon Hills was to find my mother. To find my birth mother," I said.

"You're adopted?" Malia questioned, looking very surprised.

"Yes. Yes, I am. Can we keep this between us, please?" I asked.

"Yes. I mean of course," Malia said.

I could tell Malia knew my pain. I tried my best to hide it but I could tell I was failing miserably.

"Hey, you know, I'm adopted too," Malia stated.

"Really?" I asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Malia said, reassuringly.

"So what else do you want to know?" I asked.

"How do you know Deaton?" Malia asked.

"He was a friend of my birth mother's," I stated.

"Oh," Malia said.

"You done now?, I mean I don't want to sound rude but this has been happening all day. I have felt like I have been on an interview. I mean, did this ever happen to you?" I asked.

"Look, I am sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything, I just have trust issues," Malia apologised.

"I understand. Can you just leave me to what for Deaton?" I asked.

"Of course," Malia said, and with that she left.

As she shut the door and left the clinic, I began to relax again. Phew, I thought. I never did tell her I knew she was adopted nor did she find out. I was so good at keeping secrets from them. I was on my own again, and I stood there waiting for Deaton to arrive...

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