Liam's Bad Day

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Chapter 10

After I saw Scott reach for 1075, my mind flashed to one person; Liam. All day I had not seen him and I felt like it was important to see him immediately. I had wondered what he must be doing, what his day has been like and what he was doing later...

As I searched down the corridor, I rushed past everyone around me and finally headed outside to see if he was there...

Stepping outside of the school, the Sun shone in my eyes. It blinded me senseless, that I nearly collapsed. It was crazy. Although I had been in the Sun before it felt like I had been in the shadows my entire life. I did love the moon more than the Sun but I never thought that the sight of the Sun would make me feel this way.

After a while my eyes adjusted and I looked around, and then finally spotted Liam, sitting down on a bench alone. He looked so sad, so miserable. It was weird because I had never seen him look like this. I had felt so bad for him.

As I walked over to him, I felt my heart feel a weird sadness, almost like I was being stabbed in the heart. It was strange and I immediately wondered what this terrible pain was. It was confusing and so strange...

"Hey," I said, skipping around the bench and sitting beside Liam.

"Hey..." Liam said, looking down at the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked, rather concerned.

"Nothing..." Liam said.

"Come on, you can tell me," I said.

"Today's just been tough," Liam said.

"Tell me what happened," I said, looking him in the eyes and ready to listen to his day.

"Today at lacrosse practice, I was late and I found out that Coach is looking for a new captain. I really wanted it but as I kept on trying, I was flipped and flattened over and over, and then Coach called my Dumbar and I tried to correct him; which left me with equipment duty. Then later today, Scott gave a great speech which Coach heard which made me look really bad," Liam explained.

"Liam, I am so sorry, but I believe in you. I believe you can become captain, that you can become alpha when Scott is gone and I believe that you can help me stop The Ghost Riders from destroying Beacon Hills," I said.

"But what if I can't?" he asked me.

"You can. Now do you need help with anything?" I asked.

"No it's fine, anyway I got to go put away my lacrosse equipment," he said.

"Do you want me to come with?" I said. "I'll wait outside."

"Sure," Liam said, taking my hand and walking with me inside the school and along the corridors.

As we reached the door I stopped and said...

"I'll wait here for you," I smiled.

"Thank you. I won't be too long," Liam said, pushing open the door and entering it.

As he left my side I began to feel someone else's presence in the boy's locker room. I wasn't sure who it was but it felt familiar. After a while my suspicions began to get the best of me and I decided to open the door slightly and listen in...

"So Liam, about Corey-" Mason begun.

"You know I don't trust him," Liam stated.

"Liam, he just wanted to help," Mason said.

"What like when The Beast was here?, do you remember that Corey wasn't there helping us fight The Beast?" Liam asked.

There was a silence for a moment before Liam said...

"And why was he loyal to Theo for so long?" Liam questioned.

"Liam, there was a time where we were all trusted Theo, including you," Mason stated.

"I'll trust him when he does something trustworthy, unlike now when I can hear his heartbeat across the room," Liam said.

It was quite for a little while and I decided to enter the room quietly and quickly so I could get a better look at the situation...

As I entered I saw Corey appear...

"What about Valerie?" Corey asked, causing Liam to give him a filthy look.

"What about her?" Mason asked.

"You trust her, and what you have known her for not even a month," Corey stated, looking straight at Liam.

"Valerie has shown me nothing but kindness and honesty. I can trust her," Liam said.

"I have known her since we were kids, we can trust her," Mason said.

"Yeah but you haven't seen her since and a lot can happen in those amount of years gone by," Corey said straight at Mason.

"Corey-" Mason started.

"And anyway I couldn't do anything to help fight The Beast because in case you haven't noticed; I haven't got any claws or fangs unlike you and so I had no choice but to hide," Corey explained.

"Corey's right Liam, I mean Chameleon's aren't exactly the apex predator in the animal kingdom. All Corey can do it disappear," Mason said.

Once Mason said what he said, Corey looked at him in the eyes and Mason saw his pain and immediately regretted it.

"Well maybe that's what he should do," Liam said, looking at them both and getting ready.

I then stepped out from the shadows and looked at them all for a moment. They all immediately noticed me and I saw plenty of regret on their faces. I then said...

"So that's what you think of me?" I asked.

"Valerie, I-" Mason started.

"No, Mason no need to apologise for what I just heard from Corey's mouth," I said.

My eyes pointed like daggers to Corey and then I said...

"So Corey, what else do you think of me?" I asked.

"Valerie don't-" Liam said.

"No Liam, come on Corey say it," I said.

"Fine, I don't trust you. You waltz in here and know all this information about The Ghost Riders, you remember everything that most people forget and you always come off like you are hiding something. You know a lot more than you are telling which makes me think that you hold the key to stopping them and saving everyone," Corey explained.

"You're right I know things. A lot more things then I am sharing but do you want to know why?, it is because I am trying to protect everyone. I could tell you a lot more but none of it would help you right now in this very moment. Is that what you wanted to here?" I explained.

"Well what are you hiding?" Corey asked.

"Like I said, none of it would help," I said.

I then walked out of the door and didn't look back. I headed down the crowded corridors, past all of the lockers and class rooms and I headed straight for the school doors and out I left. I heard Liam shout my name several times but I never looked back for I needed a break for a while and decided to find something else to do...

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