The Plan

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Chapter 18

After an hour had gone by, I began to feel my legs again. I attempted to get out of bed at first but I fell straight to the floor. I couldn't stand feeling so weak, it made me feel useless which is not what I wanted to feel, so I then began to stand up; fighting every painful feeling I had until I stood once again. Afterwards, I searched the room with my eyes but I found no trace of my clothes anywhere, this was probably because they wanted to keep me here as their prisoner, but I wasn't going to let this stop me. I saw only one way out, I had to go Coyote form. This was not what I wanted, especially because it could risk exposure but what else could I do.

So I transformed into a Coyote and waited until the hallway was clear before running down the corridor and heading down the stairs. I then quickly tip-toed out of the hospital and down the street. Once I was out I once again felt the cold breeze of the night and felt a rush of relief to be out of the dreadful hell known as the hospital. I hated it ever since my last visit and I never wanted to return.

I then dashed down the street and ran all the way to Lydia's house. I needed a new set of clothes before school so I could at least be a normal human being for the day instead of a Coyote...

Once I had arrived, I went through one of the kitchen windows and up the stairs into the guest room. I looked upon my new wardrobe and grabbed an outfit to where today and as quick as lightning, I got dressed. After I had got dressed, I turned to the clock and saw that it was 7:00am. Wow, I thought it is early. I then grew tired and for a moment I glanced at the bed and thought about jumping in it and sleeping but I knew I couldn't. I needed to stay awake and head to school. So I headed down the stairs and out the door, ready to walk to school.

I decided to walk so I could clear my head and think and I also didn't want to wake Lydia up as she had been up all night trying to remember Stiles. It was frustrating for her and me because I could tell how much Stiles meant to her and for her not to remember, was like a punishment.

As I got closer and closer to the school; I stopped and froze. I remembered that I hadn't been back since I saw Mr Douglas's snack time and I wasn't sure if I was ready to go back. I didn't like the thought that he would be near me all day; only a few metres away. As I turned to walk away, Mason appeared...

"Valerie!" Mason exclaimed.

"Hey Mason," I said.

"I haven't seen you since the party," he said.

"Yeah, about that-" I began before Mason interrupted me.

"Hey, it wasn't anybody's fault," he said.

"I know but still," I said.

"Yeah, it's not going to be easy," Mason said.

"Nothing ever is," I stated.

"So anyway, where are you going?" he asked.

"Who me?, no where," I said quickly.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just worried about today," I said, lying through my teeth.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay," he said.

"I know," I said, and then we both walked into school together.

I didn't tell him about Douglas because I wasn't sure how to without everything else coming out about my past. I was afraid of what would happen afterwards.

As we entered the school, I immediately spotted Gwen. She looked absolutely terrified and so I thought it would be best to talk to her.

"I'll see you later," I said.

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