Glynt "Glitchtress" Grime

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Name: Glynt "Glitchress" Grime

Age: 12

Sex: Female

District: Three

Appearance: Unfortunately for other District 3 females, she is one of the most stunning and smartest girl in the district. She strikes all the boys with her beauty. And her beauty is all natural, so she doesn't have to prep her face with so much make-up. Her height is average amongst her age, and her black hair goes to her shoulders. She also has a white steak of hair that she was born with. Glitchress has light caramel skin lie most of her Asian family. Her face even harbors more of a traditional Asian doll. Glynt has unique eyes on the right it is a snowy white color and on the left eye it's a silver grey color. She has a lean body that is skinny, but not skinny enough for bones to show.

Personality: Glynt is a know-it-all. No joke. She knows a whole lot. Even her words begin to bore people. She is a blabber mouth. Glitchress tends to babble on and on. But with this she gains lots of friends. She has such a friendly nature and kind heart. When meeting her, many people would think she would boast about how smart she is and how others are stupid. She isn't boastful, but she is a narcissist. Not even coming from District 1, she likes to make herself look like an Asian empress. She isn't too much of a narcissist, and she is more simplistic with the title.

Background: Glitchress was a born prodigy. Learning how to multiply and divide by herself at the age of 2. Her parents and others noticed her gift. Not only was she given the gift of intelligence, but also she was blessed with being spoiled by her parents. Her parents got her everything she could ever want, but she didn't stir her mind to be a spoiled rich kid and instead she continued to pursue in her education. Glynt' brain grew as she grew. With each day, she got more and more smart. At the age of 10, she was invited to test her ability in the Capitol. And she is intellectually inclined in technology and art. She got a high score on the test and she was eligible to do training to become a game maker, but she refused the offer because she didn't like to cause torture to children like her. The Capitol didn't look to happy with her decision, but they let her go. When she turned 11, her mother, Lauren, went into labor. Sadly, the baby didn't make it. Her mother went into labor too early and it was announced a miscarriage. It broke her dad's heart to hear the news. But her parents didn't lose hope and they were going to try again. Before Glynt got to the reaping, her parents informed her of a new baby. Lauren just got pregnant  and that made Glitchress depressed. For she was going to volunteer for the games. She was forced to volunteer. And that day, her parents were heart broken to find their daughter standing on the stage while everyone clapped for Glitchress's bravery: most of all they clapped for her demise.

Family: Both of her parents are 25 and her baby sibling was a miscarriage.

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