Nixie Opal Solace

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Name: Nixie Opal Solace

Gender: Female

Age: 13

District: 4

Appearance: Nixie carries no emotion. Her face is as simplistic as an average District 4 citizen. Soft freckles are decorated lightly around her face. The features of her face still obtain that child look. Right in the middle of her face is her small plump nose, and her baby pink colored lips hang right under her nose. Nixie' eyes hold so much complexion: the mix of the blue sky and the navy blue from the ocean. In the light of day, her eyes shine with luster. Her classmates say her hair could resemble fire as the realistic red looks like the flames. As Nixie is only 13-years old, she is very short, her height is 4'6, but since she has been training at the career academy, which her parents paid for her enrollment, her body has developed a more athletic body. Her skin tone is like no other white person that lives in Panem.

Personality: If anyone could describe Nixie its that she is like lemonade, that lost its flavor, which explains why she doesn't interact with other kids. Nixie is a master at masking her own emotions and being bitter at anyone that dares interact with her. Nixie doesn't admit it, but she tends to lose her temper and she goes on a mad rampage. Anyone who has experience her tantrum can admit she is a living time bomb. When there is something that agitates Nixie her patience becomes more minimal, and as she gets more and more impatient that's when she'll explode. At some point in her childhood, she was joyful little girl, but as she learns to hide her emotions and distant herself from other children; the more she becomes used to being an unemotional chili pepper.

History: The day Leo and Nova Solace made Nixie they never thought about their daughter's future and only cared for the birth that just happened then and there. The parents didn't know their child was going to grow to be a firecracker and also an emotionless child. They only knew the old Nixie. The Nixie that was kind, loving and a sweetie. But Nixie was just only spoiled even more for her innocent features. At the age of 6, she admired her older cousins who trained at the academy in District 4. With her curiosity, she learned about the Hunger Games from one of her older cousins, Sand, he was a kind boy who was not only kind, but a hard worker too. He filled Nixie's virgin mind with the corruption of the games. And from day on, Nixie started to act differently. Not a good different. Her parents soon noticed the change of their once innocent child. Nixie learnt to not expose her emotions and distant herself from all distractions if she wanted to train at the academy. Once she turned 10, Nixie begged her parents to enroll her into the academy. Both parents were hesitant about it, but the fact that their daughter was actually inspired and happy made them reluctant to agree. On the first day of the academy, Nixie began to train hard. After 3 years of training, she become one of the top females on the leaderboard and even the youngest. The day before the reaping, Nixie's class nominated her to volunteer for the games, and she was so happy that she agreed. Nixie never felt proud of herself more than that exact day. Many of the older females were jealous and that made her more giddy to have surpassed even some of the skillful in the academy. Leo and Nova didn't want Nixie to volunteer, and in return she gave them her tantrum. She destroyed the whole kitchen and even a fork flew and scratched Leo in his arm. Nixie ran up the stairs that night and she waited for the reaping day. On the next day, when District 4's escort announced that it was time to choose a female; Nixie's hand shot up like a volcano erupting. People gasped, but the crowd cheered and roared for her. She left the stage with a smirk that she will give to those who will perish at the tail of her blade.

Weapon of choice: Nixie's favorite weapons are sais and a trident. Both weapons are alike, but both deadly in their own way. Nixie would be delighted to obtain either one of them, but she would also be satisfied with any other weapon.

Strengths: From all the training, she has obtained the ability to run fast and be somewhat strong. As she is small, Nixie can hide and camouflage herself
in plain sight. Her tantrum and anger helps Nixie be merciless and a career to be feared. Nixie's knowledge on weaponry can help her when it comes to person vs. person combat. Also the only truth Nixie can tell is that she is capable of deceiving and acting as an underdog. If the arena is water related then Nixie will have an advantage since she is a great swimmer.

Weakness: Nixie is a fighter and not a thinker. When it comes to solving puzzles, the only thing she can do is attack it with her hands, rather than her mind. Nixie also suffers from dyslexia, and as the sickness calls for, she'll have trouble reading words with the same letter. Nixie is clueless when it comes to choosing the right people to team with. She also tends to make reckless decisions, and she doesn't think before she acts; therefore, it may lead to failure, but hopefully these flaws won't let her down.

Other: She owns an orange tabby cat named: Gertrude. For her 13th birthday, Nixie's parents bought her a real Opal necklace. She will turn 14 on the third day of the Hunger Games. Nixie's name comes from Greece which means "water sprite". In the Solace family, it's tradition to name children related to Summer. That's why Nixie is more energetic and powerful in the Summer. If Nixie isn't training, then she will be either swimming at the beach side in her District.

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