Never Assume

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Mew flew, a bit hesitantly, into the almost completely hidden pent/den. It was... Really well hidden to say the least. Even the cave that led to the secret base was dark and droopy, and it was hard to find the set of walls that led to the secured home.

"Who wa... Whoo wa!" Mew hummed a tune and levitated without a care into the large area, the stream indicating his adore was near. She let her eyes widen slightly, and floated slowly past the waterfalls and crystallite rocks that led to the entrance of where he called home.

"He must've found this place... How pretty," She let the light from the lanterns and candles scattered across the wall light up the area around her. His home... Her determining that he set the lights up only, was in one of the truly prettiest areas. It was much better than her lousy room in the realm, or even her dull life with her Uncle. She had heard stories and remembered this cave from a family of Eevees that lived in this very cave, of course long long ago. This waterfall had been around for decades, and she remembered only seeing it one other time.

She found herself leaning over to it, the steams collected into the river valley that flowed under the cave. She smiled, reaching her hand out and touching the constantly flowing steam. The water was sort of warm, but not necessarily warm enough for bathing in. It was like a perfect swimming area for a few hours, how lucky Mewtwo was. "Perhaps one day He'll let me visit and we can swim in the waterfall..." She, again, didn't understand the meaning of arrogance or idiotic-ness. For this thought seemed really possible to her. As her interest faded, shifting toward the secured doors that were engraved the wall of the cave, she dug herself away from the scenery and to, what she knew as, his kingdom.

The doors were red, standing out from the rocky purple-ish walls surrounding them. She reached out her hand, twisting the red knob until she heard the 'click' and the door opened without hesitation. It was a bit strange to her why he would want to live in such a nice house... He just didn't seem like the type to want to live in luxury, more so the strength craving arrogant type.

Mew shook everything off, a red carpet greeting her arrival. There was kitchens on both sides of her, a large couch at the end of the hall she was in, and two directions going either way at the end of the hall by the couch.

"No way he built this... So pretty," She looked around her, finding elegant artwork on the walls, valuable artifact all over the place. She found a sword, shiny and a golden color just a bit ahead, hanging on the wall above the couch.

"Shoot... Where do I look first..." She began to get a bit... Serious. If she didn't hurry, he would easily finish his plan, and game over.

"You may have distracted me with your taste of quality living Mewtwo, but you will not distract me any more!" She sucked in her chest, this all still being a type of game physically for her. Mentally however, she knew the stakes of her success. She took a deep, quick breath and flew around the room. She saw nothing... No machine, no technology. She then double, triple checked every single speck of the room, making sure there weren't any secret switches or buttons that she didn't catch the first time. Mew sighed a bit and checked another area of the large base.

Time was ticking, and it seemed to Mew like she was stuck in a useless battle. No way could she search the whole house in enough time. It had already been hours and she had only accomplished two rooms.

"Hoo..." She stopped and relaxed, breathing lightly. "I can do this... I can... Just relax..." She slowly looked back at the areas she already searched and then at the exceeding amounts that she hadn't. Instead of continuing where she left off, she flew a bit... Passing a few hallways.

"If I were a switch... Where would I be..." Silly as it seemed, this had proven to help her countless times. She closed her eyes, just simply letting her mind guide her. She went down a few hallways, touching a few curious spots, and ended up in a large, bombarded area.

Everyone Falls Sometimes (Mewtwo x Mew)Where stories live. Discover now