Spice It Up

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"GAH!" Mewtwo held his head, the news striking him like a bullet fired into the midst of a war zone. He had only just begun to build his new idea to receive THIS news. He was so caught up in trying to finally prove that he was a terror to be dealt with, and then... this! No way, he told himself.

He was now at a loss of words, this was actually... quite big. No wonder the Legendary were never worried about him... Not that it made him to upset. This was going to be world changing, that he knew. Now the question arose. To protect all pokemon... even the one who he was vouched not to protect, should he interfere. Perhaps he should... but maybe he shouldn't. It all depended on if...

"What's been taking you so long!" Mewtwo about jumped out of his flesh, the high pitched voice rattling his mind. He hardly had to think much about who it could possibly be, the intruder being at this point obvious. Mewtwo scoffed, turning and raising his hand up in defense.

"Gah! What business do you have here, in THIS place!" Mew widened her eyes a bit, unconcerned. "You've been taking to long... there's nothing to do. Don't you understand your job? You're supposed to be doing som-" She then saw the machine in progress behind him, and her eyes lit up.

"So you haven't forgotten after all!" She looked at him, expecting his first set of dialogue or attack. In her head, it was all a game, and he was more than excited to play. But, this time, he wasn't.

"Gah! Why are you here... First, you destroy what I've been working so hard to do... And then you show up two days later without a concern at all. Do you even think about anything?! Shouldn't you be with the others!" Mew put away her smile for a bit, tilting her head. "Why... would I be there?" Mewtwo, instead of coming up with smart remarks or turning this into a one-way argument with Mew, or even trying to threaten her off and try his best to implant fear into his counter part, just simply sighed. "Look... I don't want to fight!!! As long as you leave right now, I'll give you mercy..." He treated her the way she acted, like a kid...

"No silly, I have to stop you. Besides, what else could I do?" Mewtwo was now convinced that she knew nothing of the brawl Dialga and Palkia were planning... And it seemed that she was actually one hundred percent clueless. Mew put a paw on her head and scratched it a bit.

Mewtwo lost his patience, looking at her and rolling his eyes, sarcastically remarking. "Well, why don't you just have a seat then, and I'll tell you all about it!" Mew did just that, staring at him with expecting eyes. Mewtwo, surprisingly, wasn't shocked by her obliviousness at all. If he tried to explain the concept of danger, explaining that coming into his house, the person that was originally out to kill her and torment her, she would just either ignore it or push it off as a silly joke. It was a hard task to get her to understand the concept of normal actions. As in, coming into your enemy's house and expecting him to play a game or tell you a story was not a logical action.

"She'll see it when I actually get rid of humanity... I'm sure of it!" That was what he thought, but the more and more time went on, he was sorta losing motivation to continue through with it. Mewtwo motioned for Mew to stand up, and Mew did just that.

"It's Dialga and Palkia... know anything about that? Well, they're at it, and just... stay away from Palkia, he's... being a baby!" He paused, then his face lit up with his mistake. "Or, err... I mean... go talk to Palkia, yeah, go ask him to play a game?!" He corrected himself... For his pride refused to let him give her any actually sense of care. Ha... silly him.

"Okay, I'll ask! Hurry up and get done so I can stop you!" She flew out of the cave way too quickly... and Mewtwo stared, his eyes widened. 'Was she... yes, of course she was!' He actually was in awe... For was she really going to do it? This was a definite turn in events, and now he was stuck in dumb terror of what he just did. It didn't matter, right. It's not like he should care. I mean, it's his enemy who's risking themselves, right? If anything happened to Mew, it would save him the trouble.

Everyone Falls Sometimes (Mewtwo x Mew)Where stories live. Discover now