Never Feel Discouraged

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     Since then, Mew had been quiet. Stuck living with her Uncle Mew while the other Legendary were probably in the fight of their lives against each other. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing that she was stuck in his secluded, nice little den that she's called home for years now. It was more that she felt upset, lost... Like she wanted to be in the action, or wanted to do something more than stay in that boring ol' house.

     For Mew, everything could be a game, everything could have fun in it of you tried hard enough to find it. But now, as she was seemingly stuck with no one but the old Mew, she found life just sorta dragging on and on. She didn't dare try and make her life more interesting by joining the battle, not that she would make a difference anyways, right? Or perhaps go out on the surface and do something, but then she'd be at risk of...

     "Why don't you go outside, talk to other pokemon, do something!?" This was one of the rare cases that the elder was actually home, having time off from wherever he went. He looked more old, more fragile than normal to Mew. He just wasn't the same, always stuck on the couch when he actually made it home, like his spark and personality just sorta disappeared from him. Mew took note of this rather quickly, only driving her further and further into her boredom and... emptiness.

      "I have reasons..." That's the answer she had been giving him for weeks now, and each time he would just sigh and skim over the same old newspapers over and over again, as if scanning for something he may of missed the first hundred times. Mew told herself that she was going to wait, wait until this thing that she knew hardly anything about, nor wanted to know about, just faded away like the sun does beneath the clouds every dark night. She kept telling herself that she would wait for her evil counter part to strike again, this time though she wouldn't have any sort of insight or knowledge about it, which did cause a slight risk. She was falling apart, fast.

     This wasn't healthy for her, she knew. 'Me and Mewtwo are friends, right?' She kept asking herself that, the dull hope that she could just go visit him if she really wanted to remaining present. By judging from their last failed meeting, however, she couldn't bring herself to see him again. Not that she was necessarily scared to, she just didn't want to do anything to make him even more angry. She looked to the older Mew who was already fast asleep on the soft couch, in a way getting ready to reset the daily schedule of this new, boring life Mew was now almost forced to endure. 

     And so, when this next small conflict came to her this abnormally quiet morning, she didn't know exactly how to process it. Everything was so quiet, Uncle Mew still fast asleep. Mew just sighed, preparing the batch of cookies for the good side, the good Legendary. Now, Mew was no coward, but this seemed a much more effective action than trying to actually join the dispute first hand. Although, nothing comes without its risks, even the simple act of providing food for a certain side in this situation was a dangerous move.

     "Smells great," Mew commented on her freshly baked dish, putting it off to the side with the other good ones. Although she wasn't the best at baking, she did find a sense of joy in it. She made another batch, this one, she kept telling herself, for Mewtwo. As a way of escaping the boring, same everyday life, she was going to face her fears and talk to him, talk to anyone really. It was a start, and It would be so much better than staying in seemingly hiding, doing absolutely nothing every single day.

     She watched as the oven beeped, and she put in the fresh dough and levitated to the exit. She touched the knob, giving it a slow turn to ensure she didn't accidentally wake up Uncle Mew. She slowly pulled it open, the cool air being a slight comfort to her, and she levitated outside of the house... her house. She closed the door gently behind her, the small 'click' afterwards ensuring the older Mew's doom, signaling the end of her seemingly easy world.

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