Chapter 5, Trying to remember

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It was night and Melanie was going to sleep.
-I hope I can finaly remember... She thought by her self, before she fell asleep. She was somewhere like a school gym. Nick was standing in the other end of the hall.
-Ready? He asked.
-Yeah. Melanie replied. Nick walked closer to her.
-Do you remember that dream when you were in elementary school, that dream where you were in an airship, that never got up, or those tractors from that dream? Nick asked.
-Some how. Melanie replied.
-Do you remember what happened in the end? Nick asked.
-Only that those tractors never killed me. Melanie muttered. Nick sighed. He tried to make her remember that woman who told her that she can controll her dreams, and taught her that. No use.
-Allright. Nick said.
-Try to make this coin disapear. He said.
-What? But how? Melanie asked.
-All I know is that you need to think to make it disapear. Melanie looked at him for a while, then at the coin. She closed her eyes and thought.
-Disapear. There's no coin. She thought. She opened her eyes. It was still there. She tried again. No use. She tried for the third time. It was still there.
-It's no use. It won't disapear. Melanie said with fustrated tone.

-Come on Melanie. You can do it. Nick tried.
-No Nick, I can't. I can't make it disapear, I can't remember the end of that dream, and I most certainly don't remember how to control these dreams! She yelled with tears in her eyes.
-I just can't... She said. Nick only sighed.
-Don't worry. You will. He said hugging her.
-How can you be so sure? Melanie asked sobbing.
-I just am. You have to trust me. You will remember with time, but untill then, I'll keep protecting you, and try to help you to remember. Nick said with a smile.
-Thanks. Melanie muttered and smiled alittle.
-But right now, it's time to wake up. Nick said. Melanie nod, and with that, she woke up.

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