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Melissa called me while I was talking to Whitney. She asked me where I was. I told her I was at Jimmy's talking to Whitney and that wasn't a good idea... My girlfriend is a bit jealous, so I told her to calm down and meet me in 25 minutes. Geez... This girl has a good pair of lungs. I wish she stopped yelling when is mad...


The tires of my S.U.V. stop in front of the garage.

Melissa is waiting for me.

I get out of the car and she shouts:

– Is this a fucking game? I'm your girlfriend! You were supposed to spend time with me. Not with a stranger!

– Calm down, shortcake! I was at Jimmy's and his sister, who I have not seen in 5 years, is back to town, so we decided to talk a bit just to see what is going on.

She didn't say a word... Until...

- So, you're telling me you haven't seen her for 5 years... That must be the most stupid excuse I heard in a year! Frank, you're not helping by telling me that. She will try to mess with our relationship like the others. I'm a girl and I know what she wants. I can't let her put those filthy nails on you.

- Melissa, I'm telling you that you don't need to worry about Whitney. She is a friend of mine. Try to trust me, shortcake. I won't let anyone take you away from me. We are like blood siblings.

- You're right when you say I don't need to worry because I know you will never see that girl again.

I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction...

- You got to be kidding.

- I'm not joking at all, Frank. If you want to be with me, you cannot see her again. I don't want you to be influenced by a random girl. It's for the best, shortcake. You need to trust me. I know what girls want and she will not rest until has you under her.

I didn't know what to say...

- Whitney is my friend, Melissa.

- I bet she doesn't want you as a friend...

My girlfriend was right, however, she couldn't know it or Whitney would be her next target. I really love my shortcake but sometimes she overreacts, specially when we're talking about girls. That is why I don't want to introduce her to my girl friends. She would freak out for sure if found out I talk to another them.

- Melissa, you're going to far this time. Whitney and I are friends, only! I really like you! You should know it, since I always stand up for you, so don't be dramatic! You must trust me!

- I don't want you next to her, full stop!

I can't believe this shit!

- Melissa, I care about you a lot, although you're freaking out for no reason!

The reaction was not what I wanted.

Instead of yelling or talk in an offensive tone, she only claimed:

- How is it going to be: me or she?

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